Monday, September 22, 2008

Prayer for breaking curses

Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to break and destroy any curses, ungodly soul ties, unholy alliances or any unrighteous agreements that I (we) have entered into. Destroy any side effects, effects, residual effects, influences or stings of any curses that have been put on me (us), placed on me (us), declared over me (us), decreed over me (us), anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, and our finances. I (we) ask You to do this in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. I (we) ask You to destroy any witchcraft prayers, charismatic witchcraft prayers, psychic prayers, ungodly soulish prayers, side effects, effects, residual effects, influences, or stings of any witchcraft prayers or charismatic witchcraft prayers or psychic prayers, ungodly soulish prayers about me (us), over, or about anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, our finances, our pets.... I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. I (we) ask You to destroy any false prophecies that have been prophesied over me (us), or about me (us) anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, our finances.... I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to destroy any hexes, vexes, witchcraft spells, voodoo spells, satanic spells, incantations, chains, fetters, snares, traps, effects, side effects, or residual effects, darts, arrows, stings, claws, spears, darkness, evil imprints, false memories, wrong mind sets, trauma, shock, any unrighteous instruments of the enemy that have attempted to penetrate me(us), any lies of the enemy, false memories, evil imprints, impressions, wrong thoughts and mind sets, that have been spoken into me (us), over me (us), anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, our finances.... I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. Lord Jesus, I ask You to destroy any words, declarations, decrees, effects, side effects, stings and influences that have been spoken into me (us) or over me (us), or into anyone or over anyone that I (we) have prayed for today by ourselves or others that do not conform to Your will or Your destiny for our lives or the way You want us to believe and think and do. I apply the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, His Blood Covenant, Psalms 91, and Your healing virtue over me (us), into me (us), my spirit, mind, will, desires, emotions, ego, imaginations, anyone I (we) prayed for today.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to destroy any assignments or plans that satan or our spiritual enemies or physical enemies have against me (us), anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, against our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our finances, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries... etc. I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. To God be the Glory. Amen!

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to pull down and cast aside every demonic stronghold that is in my (our) mind(s) or that are in the minds of anyone that I (we) have prayed for today. I (we) ask You to pull down every vain imagination in me (us) and in everyone that I (we) pray for today and cast them aside in the Name of the Lord Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to pull down every high thought in me (us) and in everyone that I (we) have prayed for today; that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and cast them aside in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and to bring every thought captive in each of us to the obedience of Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

Lord Christ Jesus, I (we) ask You to pull down, cast aside and destroy any demonic strongholds that are over or in me (us), or over or in anyone that I (we) have prayed for today; over our homes, cars, trucks, offices, property, buildings, businesses, ministries, marriages, finances. I (we) ask You to destroy them now according to John 14:14 in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To God be the Glory. Amen!

In the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I command my mind, desires, will, emotions, ego, imaginations, and thoughts, to come now to the obedience of Christ in me. Lord Jesus I ask You to destroy and remove all vain imaginations, demonic strongholds, and any deception that is in my thoughts and mind, and cast them aside in the Name of Jesus Christ. I ask You to wash my (our) mind(s) clean with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and enable me (us) to stay in Your Presence all day long, according to John 14:14, to God be the glory! Amen.

Lord Jesus, Your Word says that Your anointing destroys all yokes of bondage (Isaiah 10:27) so I (we) ask You now to cause Your anointing to break and destroy any yokes of bondages along with all of their works, roots, fruits, tentacles and links that are in my (our) life (lives), the lives of anyone that I (we) have prayed for today according to John 14:14, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!