Monday, September 22, 2008

Act of Adoration and Thanksgiving for the Benefits Accrued from the Incarnation

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
behold us prostrate in Thy divine presence.
We humble ourselves profoundly
and beg of Thee the forgiveness of our sins.


We adore Thee, Almighty Father,
and with hearts overflowing
we thank Thee that Thou hast given us
Thy Divine Son Jesus to be our Redeemer,
and that He hath bequeathed Himself to us
in the most august Eucharist
even to the end of the world,
revealing unto us the wondrous love of His Heart
in this mystery of faith and love.

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.



O Word of God,
dear Jesus our Redeemer,
we adore Thee and with hearts over-flowing
we thank Thee for having taken human flesh upon Thee
and become for our redemption both Priest and Victim
in the sacrifice of the Cross,
a sacrifice which,
through the exceeding love of Thy Sacred Heart,
Thou dost renew upon our altars at every moment.
O High Priest,
O Divine Victim,
give us the grace to honour Thy holy sacrifice
in the most adorable Eucharist
with the homage of Mary most holy
and of all Thy holy Church,
triumphant, suffering and militant.
We offer ourselves wholly to Thee;
of Thine infinite goodness and mercy
do Thou accept our offering,
unite it to Thine own
and grant us Thy blessing.

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.



O Divine Spirit the Paraclete,
we adore Thee and with hearts overflowing
we give Thee thanks that Thou hast,
with such great love for us,
wrought the ineffable blessing
of the Incarnation of the Word of God,
a blessing which is being continually extended
and enlarged in the most august Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Ah, by this adorable mystery of the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
do Thou grant unto us and all poor sinners Thy holy grace.
Pour forth Thy holy gifts upon us
and upon all redeemed souls,
and in an especial manner upon the visible Head of the Church,
the supreme Roman Pontiff,
upon all Cardinals,
Bishops and Pastors of souls,
upon priests and all other ministers of Thy sanctuary.


Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning,
is now,
and ever shall be,
world without end.

Act of Adoration and Reparation to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament

I ADORE Thee profoundly, O my Jesus,
in Thy sacramental form;
I acknowledge Thee to be true God and true Man,
and by this act of adoration
I intend to atone for the coldness
of so many Christians who pass before Thy churches
and sometimes before the very Tabernacle
in which Thou art pleased to remain at all hours
with loving impatience to give Thyself to Thy faithful people,
and do not so much as bend the knee before Thee,
and who, by their indifference
proclaim that they grow weary of this heavenly manna,
like the people of Israel in the wilderness.
I offer Thee in reparation for this grievous negligence,
the Most Precious Blood which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds,
and especially from Thy sacred Side,
and entering therein,
I repeat a thousand times with true recollection of spirit:

O Sacrament most holy!
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus;
I acknowledge Thy presence in the Blessed Sacrament,
and by this act of adoration
I intend to atone for the carelessness of so many Christians
who see Thee carried to poor sick people
to strengthen them for the great journey to eternity,
and leave Thee unescorted, nay,
who scarcely give Thee any outward marks of reverence.
I offer Thee in reparation for such coldness,
the Most Precious Blood
which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds
and especially from Thy sacred Side,
and entering therein I say again and again
with my heart full of devotion:

O Sacrament most holy!
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus,
true Bread of life eternal,
and by my adoration I intend to compensate Thee
for the many wounds which Thy Heart suffers daily
in the profaning of churches
where Thou art pleased to dwell beneath the sacramental veils
to be adored and loved by all Thy faithful people;
and in reparation for so many acts of irreverence,
I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood
which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds
and especially from Thy sacred Side,
and entering therein with recollected spirit I repeat every instant:

O Sacrament most holy!
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus,
the living Bread which cometh down from heaven,
and by this act of adoration,
I intend to atone for all the many acts of irreverence
which are committed all the day long by Thy faithful
when they assist at Holy Mass,
wherein through Thine exceeding love Thou
dost renew in an unbloody manner the self-same sacrifice
which Thou didst once offer on Calvary for our salvation.
I offer Thee in atonement for such base ingratitude
the Most Precious Blood which Thou didst shed from Thy five wounds
and especially from Thy sacred Side,
and entering therein with sincere devotion,
I unite my voice to that of the Angels
who stand around Thee in adoration, saying with them:

O Sacrament most holy!
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...


Profoundly I adore Thee, my Jesus,
true Victim of expiation for our sins,
and I offer Thee this act of adoration
to atone for the sacrilegious outrages
Thou dost suffer from so many ungrateful Christians
who dare to draw near to receive Thee
with mortal sin upon their souls.
In reparation for such hateful sacrileges
I offer Thee the last drops of Thy Most Precious Blood,
which Thou didst shed from Thy sacred wounds
and especially from the wound in Thy sacred Side,
and entering therein with a devout heart,
I adore Thee,
I bless and I love Thee,
and I repeat with all the hearts
who are devoted to the Blessed Sacrament:

O Sacrament most holy!
O Sacrament divine!
All praise and all thanksgiving
be every moment Thine.

Our Father...
Hail Mary...
Glory Be...

Act of adoration and praise after communion

O Lord Jesus, sweetest Guest,
mayest Thou have come happily to me,
Thy poor and humble servant.
Mayest Thou have entered in blessing
under this mean and lowly roof.
Blessed art Thou, O Lord, in the highest,
for that Thou hast come into my heart,
Thou Day-spring from on high.
O King of peace,
drive from my heart all vain and idle thoughts,
that my soul may imitate and love Thee only,
the Author of peace.
For what beside Thee, O Thou peace,
Thou calm and sweetness of my heart,
should my soul seek for or desire?


Act of Adoration #3

I adore Thee O God,
I count myself as nothing before Thy Divine Majesty.
Thou alone art Being, Life, Truth, Beauty and Goodness.
I glorify Thee,
I praise Thee,
I give Thee thanks and I love Thee,
all helpless and unworthy as I am,
in union with Thy dear Son, Jesus Christ,
our Saviour and our Brother,
in the merciful kindness of His Heart
and through His infinite merits.
I desire to serve Thee,
to please Thee,
to obey Thee and to love Thee always,
in union with Mary Immaculate,
Mother of God and our Mother,
loving also and serving my neighbour for the love of Thee.

Wherefore give me Thy Holy Spirit,
to enlighten me,
to correct me
and to guide me in the way of Thy commandments
and in all perfection,
the while I look for the happiness of heaven,
where we shall glorify Thee for ever and ever.


Act of Adoration #2

I adore Thee,
O my God,
present in the holy Eucharist,
as my Creator,
my Preserver,
and my Redeemer.
I offer Thee all that I have,
all that I am,
all that depends on me;
I offer Thee my mind to think of Thee,
my heart to love Thee;
my will to serve Thee;
my body to labour and suffer for Thy love.
I am Thine,
I give myself;
I consecrate myself to Thee,
I abandon myself to Thee,
I wish to live and die for love of Thee.

Act of Adoration

Jesus, my God, I adore You,
here present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar,
where You wait day and night to be our comfort
while we await Your unveiled presence in heaven.

Jesus, my God,
I adore You in all places
where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved
and where sins are committed
against this Sacrament of Love.

Jesus, my God,
I adore You for all time,
past, present and future,
for every soul that ever was,
is or shall be created.

Jesus, my God,
who for us has endured hunger and cold,
labour and fatigue,
I adore You.

Jesus, my God, who for my sake
has deigned to subject Yourself
to the humiliation of temptation,
to the perfidy and defection of friends,
to the scorn of Your enemies,
I adore You.

Jesus, my God, who for us has endured
the buffeting of Your passion,
the scourging, the crowning with thorns,
the heavy weight of the cross,
I adore You.

Jesus, my God, who,
for my salvation and that of all mankind,
was cruelly nailed to the cross
and hung there for three long hours in bitter agony, I adore You.

Jesus, My God,
who for love of us
did institute this Blessed Sacrament
and offer Yourself daily for the sins of men,
I adore You.

Jesus, my God,
who in Holy Communion became the food of my soul,
I adore You.

Jesus, for You I live.
Jesus, for You I die.
Jesus, I am Yours in life and death.


Blessing Prayer

Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, I (we) ask You to give me (us) divine healing now in every area of my (our) life, spirit, mind, will, emotions and physical being in accordance with Your Divine Plan and Order for my (our) life. I (we) receive Your Divine Healing, Wholeness and Newness of life(s), in the Name of Jesus Christ. Lord, I (we) ask You to expand in me (us) Your territories. Lord I (we) ask for and receive beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness: for I (we) are trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that You may be glorified, in Jesus' Name. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, Father, I (we) pray with thanksgiving in Jesus' Name. Amen! Heavenly Father, I ask you to give me (us) and every person I (we) prayed for today according to John 16:23, the manifestation of every miracle and every healing You have given to me (us) and the manifestation of divine healing and divine health in my (each of our) body (ies). Amen!

Blessings: Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

Lord Jesus Christ, I (we) ask You, according to John 14:13- 14, to cover me (us) with Your anointing, glory, and tangible Presence, give me (us) a fresh new release and flow in my (our) inner man with rivers of living waters springing up forth abundantly with Life abundant, fill me (us) to over-flowing with Your favor, compassion and love, Your wisdom and understanding. Anoint me (us) to hear Your Voice not that of a stranger, cause me (us) to clearly discern Your Voice over that of a strange voice. Give me (us) Your eyes to see spiritually, and a heart to understand and be led by Your Holy Spirit, clearly, help me to be bold, confident and be obedient, to do Your will. Fill me (us) with Your gifts, anointings, and blessings and all else You have for me (us).

Lord Jesus Christ I (we) ask You according to John 14:13 – 14 to anoint me (us). Pour out Your Anointing on me (us). (Apply the anointing oil to the forehead now.) I (we) receive Your Anointing in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus Christ, I (we) ask You, according to John 14:13 - 14, to do all these things and let Your love so brightly shine through me (us) into others and as an act of worship to You, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Mind Cleansing

Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

Lord Jesus Christ we ask You according to John 14: 13 - 14, to wash over our minds with the Blood of Jesus and cleanse out all darkness and all thoughts that are contrary to Your will and destiny for our lives. I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to shut any doors that need to be shut whether spiritual or natural, and to open any doors that need to be opened whether spiritual or natural in my (our) life (lives). Amen!

Prayer for clarity

Heavenly Father, I (we) ask you to give me (us) and each person I (we) have prayed for today clarity of vision, clarity of sight, clarity of thought, clarity of mind, clarity of knowing, and hearing Your Voice according to John 16:23. Amen!

Whose waters faileth not and your presence with me

Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit I (we) pray that You will quicken me (us) to hear my (our) Heavenly Father's Voice and lead me (us) in prayer. Heavenly Father, I (we) bow and worship before You. I (we) come to You with praise and with thanksgiving. I (we) come to You in humility, in fear, in trembling and seeking the truth. I (we) come to You in gratitude, in love, and through the precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Heavenly Father God, I (we) thank You that Your Word says that when I (we) pray to You that You will hear me (us) according to Job 22:27-28.

Heavenly Father, Your word says that in every place I (we) go where Your Name is remembered, You will come to me (us) and bless me (us) according to Your word in Exodus 20:24, and Your presence will go with me (us) wherever I (we) go and You will give me (us) rest according to Exodus 33:14.

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray that You will continually guide me (us) and satisfy my (our) desires in scorched places, give strength to my (our) bones and I will be like a watered garden and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail, according to your Word. Isaiah 58:11.

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth that You would destroy the power of all demonic spirits that are coming against me, _____ and _____, our homes, properties, automobiles, business, finances, ministries. That You would encamp Your angels and chariots of fire all around me (us), according to 2 Kings 6:17-18.

Heavenly Father, I (we) declare these things in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I (we) thank You that they will be established for us, according to Job 22:27-28. Amen!

Daily commitment of your life to the Lord Prayer

I renew and give my total allegiance to You, Lord Jesus Christ, Father God and Holy Spirit, fresh and a new, today and for the rest of my life, to do Your work, to do Your will and obey You at all times. I give my life, and all that is in it, as a living sacrifice, unto You which is my reasonable service , that first and foremost, all that I am would be a glory , honor, and praise unto You, Heavenly Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. I commit my life and all that is in it, to You, to do Your Good Works, and to have and be in Your Total Desire, Will, and Presence, that I will, I am, and I will be, transformed into Your total likeness in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. Come Lord Jesus Christ take Your rightful place in my life, I give it to You , for eternity and I ask You Lord, to bind all that I am to all that you are, in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. Amen.

Numbers 6:23-26 blessing prayer

Heavenly Father, in Christ Jesus' Holy Name; I (we) thank You for Your

Word in Numbers 6:23-26. Heavenly Father, I (we) pray that You will bless us and that You will keep us. I pray that You will make Your face shine upon us and be gracious to us. I pray that You will lift up Your countenance upon us and give us peace. Lord Jesus , I (we) thank You for blessing us.

Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You destroy false memories, lies of the enemy, unrighteous agreements, bad attitudes, bad thoughts, ungodly negative impressions, and imprints according to John 14:14.

Heavenly Father, I (we) ask You to cleanse our minds with the Blood of the Lord Christ Jesus of all thoughts and preconceived ideas that do not conform to Your will and destiny for our lives and the way You want us to believe and think. Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to prevent our minds from deceiving us in any way.

Lord Jesus, I (we) ask you to do all of these things according to John 14:14; and Heavenly Father I (we) ask You to give us these things according to John 16:23. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) pray with thanksgiving. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Deutoronmy 21 blessing prayer

Heavenly Father, I (we) ask You to bless us when we come in. I (we) ask You to bless us when we go out. I (we) ask You to bless us in the city. I (we) ask You to bless us in the country. I (we) ask You to bless our fruits. I (we) ask You to bless our seed. I (we) ask You to bless our land. I (we) ask You to bless our store house. I ask You to bless and prosper everything we touch. I (we) ask You to cause our enemies to come at us in one direction but to flee from us in seven directions because greater are You who is in us than he that is in the world. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Prayer to destroy unrighteous agreements

Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. I ask You Lord Jesus Christ according to John 14:13 & 14, that You destroy the unrighteous agreement that is coming against me that has been prayed, is being prayed, or will be prayed throughout the rest of this day and into tomorrow afternoon, along with its effects, side effects, and stings. I ask You Lord to destroy all demonic hordes that have been sent forth from those prayers and cast them into the Abyss, along with any pain, darkness, darts, arrows, stings, claws, spears, lies, evil imprints, impressions, false memories, wrong mindsets, throughout the rest of this day into tomorrow afternoon, Amen.

Prayers against demons that follow

Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. I ask You Lord Jesus Christ according to John 14 : 13 & 14, that any evil spirits that are following me and/or _____, _____, and _____ that you would force and drive those evil spirits into the Abyss and any replacements, destroy their assignments and attacks against me, and _____, _____, and _____, force and drive those evil spirits far from our houses, cars, lands, properties, vehicles, animals, and work places, and do not let them return anywhere near us in Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Psalms 91 Protection Prayer

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray for myself (ourselves), everyone that I (we) prayed for today. I (we) pray for all members of congress and of the armed forces of our nation, all of our intercessors, teachers, pastors, friends, enemies, neighbors, doctors, dentists, all people of Israel, everyone we go to church with, and all of Your workers.

Heavenly Father, I (we) ask You to let us dwell in the secret place of the most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I (we) ask You to let us say that You are our Lord, our refuge, our fortress and our God in whom we can trust. I (we) ask You to deliver us from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. I (we) ask You to cover each of us with Your feathers and let us walk under Your wings to take refuge. I (we) ask You to let Your faithfulness and truth be our shield and armor. I (we) ask You to let us not be afraid of the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the deadly pestilence that walketh in darkness nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. I (we) ask You to cause a thousand to fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand and not to let any come near us. I (we) ask You to give Your angels charge over us to keep us in all Your ways and let Your angel's hands lift us up, so we do not even dash our foot against a stone or be hurt in any way. I (we) ask You to let us tread upon the lion and serpent and to let us trample the young lion and the serpent under our feet. I (we) ask You Heavenly Father, to answer us when we call upon You, be with us in trouble, deliver us, honor us and satisfy us with a long life and show us Your salvation.

Heavenly Father, I (we) thank You that these things are written in Psalms 91, that we can dwell in the secret place of the most High, and I (we) thank You that we can abide under the shadow of our Almighty God. I (we) thank You that we can say You are our Lord, our refuge, our fortress and our God, whom we can trust. I (we) thank You for delivering us from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. I (we) thank You for covering each of us with Your feathers. I (we) thank You that we can walk under Your wings and take refuge. I (we) thank You that Your faithfulness and truth is our shield and armor. I (we) thank You that we are not afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. I (we) thank You that a thousand shall fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand and none will come near us. I (we) thank You for giving Your angels charge over us to keep us in all ways and that Your angel's hands will lift us up so we do not dash our foot against a stone. I (we) thank You that we can tread upon the lion and serpent and trample the young lion and the dragon under our feet. I (we) thank You that when we call upon You, You will answer us, and be with us in trouble. Deliver us, honor us, satisfy us with a long life and show us Your salvation.

Heavenly Father, I am (we are) thankful that our Lord Christ Jesus spoiled all principalities and powers and made a show of them openly and triumphed over them in Himself. I (we) claim all that victory for our lives. I (we) reject all the insinuations, accusations, and temptations of satan. I (we) affirm that the Word of God is true and we choose to live in obedience to You Lord Jesus and in fellowship with You. Open our eyes and show us the areas of our lives that do not please You. Work in us to cleanse us from all ground that would give satan a foothold against us. We do in every way stand in all that it means to be your adopted child and we welcome all the ministry of Your Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray that now and through our lives, You would strengthen and enlighten us, show us the way satan and his demonic spirits are trying to hinder, tempt, lie, and distort the truth in our lives. Enable us to be the kind of person that will please you. Enable us to be aggressive in prayer and faith. Enable us to be aggressive mentally, to think about and practice Your word, and to give You, Your rightful place in our lives.

Heavenly Father, I (we) place all of my (our) cares, all of my (our) anxieties, all of my (our) worries and all of my (our) concerns once and for all on You, because I (we) know that You love me (us) and watch over me (us) according to 1 Peter 5:7.

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray for the peace of Jerusalem and may all those prosper who love You. Psalms 122:6.

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray that You will establish Jerusalem and make her a praise in the earth. Isaiah 62:7. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Angels for Protection Prayer

According to John 14:14, I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to loose Your angels in great abundance in my (our) presence, the presence of everyone that I (we) have prayed for today and into our homes, cars, trucks, lands, properties, buildings, and work places to protect us, guard us and to force out, drive out, and cleanse out all evil, wicked demon and tormenting spirits from our presence, and our homes, cars, trucks, lands, properties, animals, and work places and send them to where You want to send them in Christ Jesus' Holy Name. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Lord Jesus, I (we) ask you to put a hedge of protection around our minds and around each of us to protect us from the enemy. I ask You to do this according John 14:14. Amen

Armor of God Prayer

Heavenly Father, I am (we are) thankful for Your mighty armor You have provided for us. I (we) put on us the full armor of God: the Helmet of Salvation; the Breastplate of Righteousness; the Girdle of Truth; Sandals of Peace; the Shield of Faith which protects (guards) us from all fiery darts of the enemy; and I (we) pick up the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God that I (we) choose to use against all the forces of evil in our lives. I (we) place on our feet the Sandals of Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Kingdom of God. I (we) ask You Lord according to John 14:13-14, to be our Guard and a Shield about us. Take us into the cleft of the Rock and underneath Your Mighty Wings according to Psalms 91. I (we) put Your Armor on us and live and pray in complete dependence upon You, and pray in the Spirit at all times and on all occasions. (Ephesians 6:10-18) Blessed Heavenly Father. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Binding the enemies eyes and ears prayer

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) bind all of satan's evil, wicked, demon, lying, unclean, perverse tormenting spirits and strongmen and messengers, their eyes blind, their ears deaf to our prayers, conversations and actions in the Name of the Lord Christ Jesus unless we speak directly to them. I (we) bind them and command them not to manifest in my (our) presence, the presence of anyone that I am (we are) around today, the presence of anyone that I (we) have prayed for today; or in the presence of our homes, cars, trucks, offices, properties, buildings, businesses, ministries, marriages, finances.

Heavenly Father, I (we) ask that You shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be opened in the spiritual and natural realms of our lives in Jesus' Holy Name. Heavenly Father, I apply the Blood of Jesus over those doorways and ask that the enemy be rendered powerless and harmless so they cannot come back through those doorways ever again to our homes, properties, cars, trucks, work places, businesses, finances, minds, ministries, our spouses, spouse's work places, our children, their schools, their work places, our friends and loved ones in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Filled with Holy Spirit Prayer

My Heavenly Father, I (we) ask You to fill each of us with Your precious Holy Spirit. I (we) ask You to fill each of us with all of the fruits of Your Holy Spirit including Your love, Your joy, Your peace, Your gentleness, Your goodness, Your meekness, Your faithfulness and Your self-control. Heavenly Father, in Christ Jesus' Holy Name I (we) ask You to fill me (us), everyone I (we) prayed for today with Your Holy Ghost anointing and power, cover us with Your presence, Your anointing, Your power; in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to heal me (us) and fill me (us) with Your Holy Spirit and power, cover us with Your anointing and presence, and to fill me (us) and seal me (us) with Your peace, character, and nature. I (we) ask You to do all these things in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Applying the Blood of Jesus

Heavenly Father, I (we) bow and worship and praise before You and I (we) apply the Blood of Jesus Christ over myself (ourselves), each person that I (we) have prayed for today; from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet. I (we) apply the Blood of Jesus over each of us, over the airways that surround us, over us and under us, over telephone lines, over our homes, properties, offices, cars, trucks, businesses, finances, marriages, ministries, cell phone frequencies, and I (we) ask You to render powerless and harmless and nullify the power, destroy the power, cancel the power of any evil spirit, demonic spirit, demonic strongman, messenger of satan and witchcraft prayer that tries to come into our presence, our homes, everything in our homes, our pets, our properties, our cars, our trucks, everything in our cars and trucks, our marriages, our finances, our ministries, our telephone lines, our telephone frequencies... in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Lord Jesus Christ, I (we) ask You to wash and cleanse my (our) mind(s) with Your Precious Blood. Give each of us clarity of thought; give each of us a sound and sober mind, in Jesus Christ Holy Name; according to John 14:14. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Prayer for binding and loosing demonic spirits

Heavenly Father, according to Matthew 16 and 18, I thank you that whatsoever I shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever I loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) bind all of satan's evil, wicked, demon, lying and tormenting spirits and strongmen along with all evil principalities, powers and rulers of wickedness in high places; including all their works, roots, fruits, tentacles and links including any spirits and strongmen of doubt, unbelief, leviathan, pride, anger, rage, strife, deception, self-deception, confusion, self-confusion, divination, Jezebel, python, accusation, familiar spirits, delusion, self-delusion, unforgiveness, witchcraft, and willful sins: ____, ____, and ____. (Please look at the demon list on page 46; and loose any foul spirits that you feel may apply to you.) I (we) bind and loose all these demonic spirits and strongmen from me (us), from everyone that I (we) have prayed for today, from every organ in our bodies, from every cell in our bodies, from every gland, muscle, ligament and bone in our bodies, from our homes, properties, marriages, cars, trucks, businesses, ministries, objects, work places, finances, pets... and I (we) loose them to go where Jesus sends them and I (we) bind them and command them to stay there; in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I (we) place the Blood of the Lord Christ Jesus between us.

Heavenly Father, it is written in Psalms 91, and Matthew 6, and many other places of Your Word that You are my (our) Deliverer and I (we) ask that You give me (us), and everyone that I (we) prayed for today: total deliverance, total freedom, total liberty, and total salvation from all evil, wicked, demon, lying, perverse, unclean, foul, demonic spirits, strongmen, and their messengers, and from all sicknesses, diseases, infirmities, afflictions, infections, viruses, inflammations, disorders of any kind in every cell in our bodies, in every gland in our bodies, in every organ in our bodies, abnormal cells, radical cells, abnormal growths, radical growths, cancers, tumors, spasms, lesions, or cysts in any parts of our bodies. Heavenly Father, I (we) ask You to give our homes, cars, trucks, offices, businesses, finances, ministries, properties and pets: total deliverance and liberty and freedom from all evil, wicked, lying, perverse and unclean spirits in the Name of Jesus Christ. I (we) thank You for giving me (us) this deliverance, freedom, liberty and salvation from all these things in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Heavenly Father, I ask You to give me (us) and each person I (we) pray for today divine healing, divine health, and the manifestation of every miracle and every healing that you have ever given me (us) according to John 16:23. May these deliverances be used to glorify You, Heavenly Father.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) command our minds, wills, and emotions to submit to the obedience of Christ in me (us). To God be the Glory. Amen!

Prayer for breaking curses

Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to break and destroy any curses, ungodly soul ties, unholy alliances or any unrighteous agreements that I (we) have entered into. Destroy any side effects, effects, residual effects, influences or stings of any curses that have been put on me (us), placed on me (us), declared over me (us), decreed over me (us), anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, and our finances. I (we) ask You to do this in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. I (we) ask You to destroy any witchcraft prayers, charismatic witchcraft prayers, psychic prayers, ungodly soulish prayers, side effects, effects, residual effects, influences, or stings of any witchcraft prayers or charismatic witchcraft prayers or psychic prayers, ungodly soulish prayers about me (us), over, or about anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, our finances, our pets.... I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. I (we) ask You to destroy any false prophecies that have been prophesied over me (us), or about me (us) anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, our finances.... I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to destroy any hexes, vexes, witchcraft spells, voodoo spells, satanic spells, incantations, chains, fetters, snares, traps, effects, side effects, or residual effects, darts, arrows, stings, claws, spears, darkness, evil imprints, false memories, wrong mind sets, trauma, shock, any unrighteous instruments of the enemy that have attempted to penetrate me(us), any lies of the enemy, false memories, evil imprints, impressions, wrong thoughts and mind sets, that have been spoken into me (us), over me (us), anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, including our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries, our finances.... I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. Lord Jesus, I ask You to destroy any words, declarations, decrees, effects, side effects, stings and influences that have been spoken into me (us) or over me (us), or into anyone or over anyone that I (we) have prayed for today by ourselves or others that do not conform to Your will or Your destiny for our lives or the way You want us to believe and think and do. I apply the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, His Blood Covenant, Psalms 91, and Your healing virtue over me (us), into me (us), my spirit, mind, will, desires, emotions, ego, imaginations, anyone I (we) prayed for today.

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to destroy any assignments or plans that satan or our spiritual enemies or physical enemies have against me (us), anyone that I (we) have prayed for today, against our children, our grandchildren, our marriages, our homes, our cars, our trucks, our offices, our properties, our finances, our buildings, our businesses, our ministries... etc. I (we) ask You to destroy them now in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. To God be the Glory. Amen!

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I (we) ask You Lord Jesus to pull down and cast aside every demonic stronghold that is in my (our) mind(s) or that are in the minds of anyone that I (we) have prayed for today. I (we) ask You to pull down every vain imagination in me (us) and in everyone that I (we) pray for today and cast them aside in the Name of the Lord Christ Jesus. Lord Jesus, I (we) ask You to pull down every high thought in me (us) and in everyone that I (we) have prayed for today; that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and cast them aside in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth and to bring every thought captive in each of us to the obedience of Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 10:3-6.

Lord Christ Jesus, I (we) ask You to pull down, cast aside and destroy any demonic strongholds that are over or in me (us), or over or in anyone that I (we) have prayed for today; over our homes, cars, trucks, offices, property, buildings, businesses, ministries, marriages, finances. I (we) ask You to destroy them now according to John 14:14 in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. To God be the Glory. Amen!

In the Name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I command my mind, desires, will, emotions, ego, imaginations, and thoughts, to come now to the obedience of Christ in me. Lord Jesus I ask You to destroy and remove all vain imaginations, demonic strongholds, and any deception that is in my thoughts and mind, and cast them aside in the Name of Jesus Christ. I ask You to wash my (our) mind(s) clean with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and enable me (us) to stay in Your Presence all day long, according to John 14:14, to God be the glory! Amen.

Lord Jesus, Your Word says that Your anointing destroys all yokes of bondage (Isaiah 10:27) so I (we) ask You now to cause Your anointing to break and destroy any yokes of bondages along with all of their works, roots, fruits, tentacles and links that are in my (our) life (lives), the lives of anyone that I (we) have prayed for today according to John 14:14, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Forgiveness of Others Prayer

Heavenly Father I forgive _____ for anything he (she) has ever said or done to me (us) or my (our) family and I bless _____in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I ask You Lord to forgive and bless _____ in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Lord Jesus show

him/her Your mercy and loving-kindness, teach ____as You

have done with me (us). To God be the glory according to John 14:14. Amen.

Forgiveness of Sin

Heavenly Father, I (we) pray for myself (ourselves) _____, _____, _____, and _____. I (we) ask You to forgive me (us) for all of my (our) sins, iniquities, trespasses, transgressions, sins of commission, sins of omission, unknown sins or hidden sins according to Psalms 19:12 and specifically any sins of doubt, unbelief, distrust, not abiding in You Lord Jesus and not letting Your Word abide in each of us at all times. Any strife, bitterness and anger. Forgive us for having other gods before you, making or buying images, bowing down or serving images. For taking your Name in vain, for not observing and keeping Holy the Sabbath Day, for not honoring our fathers and mothers, murder, adultry, stealing, bearing false witness, coveting our neighbor's spouse, house, land, donkeys, or anything else that is our neighbors, for not loving you with all of our heart, strength, mind, soul, love, and obedience, for not loving our neighbor as ourselves, for not loving ourselves, for entering into unrighteous agreements, hypocrisy, intolerance, intentional sin, willful sin, unforgiveness, ungratefulness, deception, desires of this world, disbelief, disdain, disobedience, dissension, division, egoism, envy, false burdens, fantasy lust, fears, fornication, fretting, giving offense, gossip, greed, guilt, hard heartedness, heaviness, hate, haughtiness, idolatry, impatience, indifferences, intimidation, irritation, jealousy, judgmental, laboring, lasciviousness, legalism, lust, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, lust of the mind, lying, manipulation, misbelieve, plotting, presumption, pride, provoking, railing, rebellion, resentment, restlessness, rigidity, rudeness, sexual idolatry, sexual immorality, sexual impurity, sexual perversion, selfishness, self-centeredness, self-righteousness, self-criticalness, self-analysis, self-pity, shame, slander, stiff necked, struggling, taking offense, tension, uncleanness, undermining, un-submissiveness, vanity, worry, worldly, wickedness, witchcraft, mischief, perfectionism, frustrations, addictions, dependencies, murmuring, complaining, petulance, all unrighteousness, etc, etc, etc. (Please see the "Sin List" on page 42 and ask God's forgiveness for any other sins that may apply to you). Heavenly Father, I ask You to forgive me (us) and each person that I (we) pray for; for all my (our) sins, iniquities, trespasses, and transgressions and to cover each of our sins, transgressions, iniquities, and trespasses with the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, I (we) repent for all my (our) sins. I (we) ask You to cleanse each of us of all unrighteousness according to 1 John 1:9. I (we) ask You to do this according to John 14:14 in the Name of the Lord Christ Jesus of Nazareth. Heavenly Father I receive my forgiveness now. To God be the Glory. Amen!

Heavenly Father, I (we) worship You and give You praise and glory and honor. I (we) recognize that You are worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise. I (we) renew my (our) allegiance to You and pray that Your Holy Spirit would help me (us) in my (our) time of prayer. I am (we are) thankful, Heavenly Father that You have loved me (us) from past eternity and that You sent the Lord Christ Jesus into the world to die as my (our) substitute. I am (we are) thankful that the Lord Christ Jesus came as my (our) Savior and through Him You have completely forgiven me (us) and You have assumed all responsibility for me (us). You have given me (us) the perfect righteousness of the Lord Christ Jesus. Heavenly Father, I (we) thank You that I am (we are) justified, sanctified, redeemed, delivered, and healed through the precious Blood of Your Son, the Lord Christ Jesus of Nazareth. I am (we are) thankful that my (our) sins have been cleansed through the precious Blood of Christ Jesus. Amen!

Prayer for those who bless the poor

Heavenly Father, I come to You in the Name of Your Son, Jesus Christ according to Psalm 41. Heavenly Father, I pray that You will deliver me and each person that I pray for that remembers and blesses the poor. I pray that You will deliver each of us in our times of trouble. I pray Heavenly Father , that You will protect each of us and keep us alive because we remember and bless the poor. I pray that we will be called blessed upon the earth and that you will not deliver us into the will of our enemies. I ask You Heavenly Father to sustain each of us on our sick bed and in our illnesses and restore us to health. O'Lord be gracious to us and heal our souls because we consider the poor and the helpless. Heavenly Father, I ask You to do this because of Your promises to us in Psalms 41. I ask for and receive these things in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to John 14:14. Amen

Daily Prayer for a Child

Heavenly Father, I pray that you will forgive me and every member of my family and all of my friends for anything we have done wrong. Lord help me to forgive anyone who may have hurt me and help anyone that I may have hurt or upset to forgive me. Lord, help me to love others and do what you want me to do. Please come into my heart Lord, and wash away my sins.

Lord, help my family to be happy and love one another and not be sad or mad at each other. Dear Lord, please take care of my loved ones and protect and love them as they care for me. I thank you for this wonderful day. Please show my family how much You love them and that you will always be there for them. Teach us to always come to you in prayer. Lord, I pray that every member of my family and all of my friends will accept You into their hearts so that they will go to heaven.

Lord Jesus, heal the sick so they will live a long, happy and healthy life. Lord, keep every member of my family, principals, teachers, friends, classmates, and pets safe from any harm or evil. Help me Lord to get good grades in school.

Lord Jesus, I pray you protect the President, the leaders of our country and state, and their families. Lord, keep our pastors, firemen, policemen, ambulance drivers, emergency workers and all the soldiers, safe as they do their jobs.

I pray for the poor and hungry. Send people to help them and give them a place to sleep, and if they are sick please make them well and feel better.

Lord I ask you to visit the sick in the hospitals and prisons, please heal them, and tell them about Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Lord Jesus, I ask you to bless everyone that I have prayed for today and send Your mighty angels to protect all of us. Please help us to know you better, Lord Jesus, and have more of you Lord, in our hearts. I pray Lord, that you will be with everyone that I have prayed for today so they will be able to know and love You the way I love You. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

Lord Help Me Prayer

We are not moved by what we see, hear, smell, touch or taste. We are not moved by reason. We are only moved by Your Spirit and Your Word and we know Your Voice, and we hear Your Voice and we refuse to follow strangers according to John 10:27. Our seed is mighty upon the earth according to Psalms 112:2. Lord Jesus, I ask you to expand my territories; to fill me and increase me in the Holy Spirit and anointing with power.

I ask You to lead me in paths of righteousness for Your Name's Sake.

I Bless You, Praise You, Worship You, and commit all that I am to You, that Your perfect will be done through me.

I ask that You help me to cease from my own labors. I do so by faith.

I ask that You cause me to enter Your Rest now, in Jesus' Name and I receive that.

I ask You to release my warring and ministering angels to minister and war on my behalf.

I ask you to fill this, Your temple; with as much Shikinah Glory as possible.

Help me to bear the cross You have prepared for me and help those in my family.

I ask that the Holy Spirit speak to my heart through Your Word.

I ask that You prepare me with reverence and worship, and with humility through Your Holy Spirit.

I ask that You take out of me, add to me or do to me; anything You want.

I ask that the Word I read would be engrafted into me and become part of me; spirit, mind, will and emotions.

I declare by Your power; You are helping and causing me to be bold, dauntless, fearless, confident, intrepid, valiant, steadfast, faithful, true and loyal for Your Name's Sake.

I ask You to deliver me where I am blind, wretched, naked, and poor. I ask for your help.

I ask You to help me not be the accuser of the brethren but to teach others in gentleness, to be a help in season, to edify, to exhort and comfort others.

I ask for Love and Grace for others and Grace from You Lord. I ask for help that Your Love and Grace in me; flow and be administered to others by Your Spirit in me, to manifest Your Presence in and through me.

I release all things into Your hands and commit myself unto You, trusting You.

I ask for help, that You give me the Word that You want me to give to others.

Lord forgive me and help me to follow Your direction.

I ask that You would send those that would receive the gift of salvation to me, that I may witness to them. Let them ask and receive, Father!

I ask that You give me a clear mind and thoughts toward You, clear will toward You, and clear of all emotional clutter. (This is all about You. Hearing You is easier than thinking!)

I ask that You cause me to hear You louder and clearer, and rest in You.

I ask You to release Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, with long-suffering, and self-control to flow over and in and throughout my life.

I ask You Father for a clear, sharp, and healthy mind and body in You.

Heavenly Father, I ask for Your perfect Will being worked out through my life and the lives of those that my life touch; as You direct me.

I ask You for eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to comprehend and receive what the Holy Spirit has to say.

I ask to speak and to do Your perfect will in this life; for You, for me, and for my family.

I ask You to guard me and my family with many angels and that they manifest as needed.

I ask You to make me alert, awake, sharp and attentive in Your thoughts and ways.

I ask that I may prosper in what I put my hands to do for You. I ask you to renew my youth like the eagles. I ask for a heart like Yours and growth and maturity to walk in it to the fullest with You; in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Holy Spirit have Your way with all of me, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Heavenly Father, I declare Your faithfulness to the heavens and Your loving kindness and tender mercies anew every morning. Amen!

Heavenly Father, I ask that my mind, will and emotions do not deceive me in hearing Your Voice and be still in Jesus' Name.

Heavenly Father, I ask that You shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be opened in the spiritual and natural realms in Jesus' Name. Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over those doorways and ask that the enemy be rendered powerless and harmless so they can not come back through those doorways ever again; to me, ____,

____, and ____, our houses, lands, properties, vehicles, work places, schools, and finances in Jesus' Name. Amen!

Resentment and Bitterness Prayer

Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

Father, help me (us) to let go of all bitterness and resentment. You are the One Who binds up and heals the broken-hearted. I (we) receive Your anointing that breaks and destroys every yoke of bondage. I (we) receive healing by faith according to Your Word, Isaiah 53:5, "and with His stripes we are healed". Thank You for sending me (us) Your Holy Spirit, I (we) acknowledge the Holy Spirit as my (our) wonderful Counselor! Thank You for helping me (us) work out my (our) salvation with fear and trembling, for it is You, Father, Who works in me (us) to will and to act according to Your good purpose.

In the Name of Jesus, I (we) choose to forgive those who have wronged me (us). I (we) choose to live a life of forgiveness because You have forgiven me (us). I (we) repent of all resentments, bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, and slander, along with every form of malice. I (we) desire to be kind and compassionate to others, forgiving them, just as in Christ You forgave me (us). With the help of the Holy Spirit, I (we) make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy, for I (we) know that without holiness no one will see You. I (we) will watch and pray that I (we) will not enter into temptation or cause others to stumble. Thank You, Heavenly Father, that You watch over Your Word to perform it and that whom the Son has set free is free indeed. I (we) declare that I (we) have overcome resentment and bitterness by the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Word of my (our) testimony. Amen!

Spiritual Doors Prayer

Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I (we) ask that You shut any doors that need to be shut and open any doors that need to be opened in the spiritual and natural realms of my (our lives) life in Jesus' Holy Name. Heavenly Father, I (we) plead the Blood of Jesus over those doorways and ask that the enemy be rendered powerless and harmless so they can not come back through those doorways ever again to my (our) home, property, automobile, work place, business, finances, ministry, my spouse, spouse's work place, our children, their schools, their work places, our friends and loved ones in Jesus Christ's Holy Name I (we) pray with thanksgiving. Amen.

Daily Prayers

(Pray Out Loud)

Heavenly Father, I (we) come to You now in the Name of my (our) Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. (Note - if two or more praying: Heavenly Father, _____ and I come to You in one accord in the Name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth according to Matthew 18:19). Holy Spirit, I (we) pray that You will quicken me (us) to hear my (our) Heavenly Father's Voice and lead me (us) in prayer. Holy Spirit, I (we) ask you to reveal to me (us) any unconfessed sins I (we) have in my (our) heart at any time. Heavenly Father, I (we) bow and worship before You. I (we) come to You with praise and with thanksgiving. I (we) come to You in humility, in fear, and in trembling and seeking truth. I (we) come to You in gratitude, in love, and through the precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen

Biblical Grounds for Sickness, demons and disease

Most of us do not like to use the word "legal" as in "legalism" after of the Pharisees and Saducees of the New Testament treated Jesus. We do not want to be associated with them or their "religious" ways or "religion" which were "traditions of man" and not God's ways. They did not have a relationship with the Lord!

In this case, the word legal gives way to the rights "possessed" by being within the law and therefore rightfully protected or something right fully belongs to you. This can also cause us to be legally or lawfully separated or cut off from something that we could have a right to. In this case we have cut ourselves off from something we have a right to. The Word of God is the deciding factor. Demons through our sins can obtain legal, biblical grounds to rob, kill, steal, and destroy. We do it to ourselves. If demons have a right to remain if we have given them any type of legal ground. Once they have legal ground there will always be a fight because they want you under them in one way or another. They will try to make you feel that things are hopeless, why even care! Those are total lies and tricks of the enemy.

The Word of God came to Job, an Old Testament saint, and it tells us that his captivity (a state of being a prisoner to something.) was turned.

So there is hope! This hope is through the precious Blood sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We are here to help you kick out the demons, take back what is rightfully yours that you have been robbed of, and walk in a victorious life in Jesus! Our Heavenly Father wants us to realize as His daughters and sons that we all can have healing, forgiveness, restored relationships, and walk in a glorious relationship with Him, here on His Earth. He has promised this to us, His dear children through Jesus Christ, in His Word. It is time to take back what is rightfully ours through Christ, in prayer!, We should never be given over to the whims of any devil due to ignorance. We are not going to sit down and give up. We are not going to take that as a child of God and just perish. I am a child of the Most High God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and we, His children through Jesus Christ, have been given authority and power over the enemy (Luke 10:19). I choose to obey and have a life that is victorious in Christ. I am an over comer in Jesus! Thank you Lord for giving me and helping me to live a life that is Victorious in Jesus Christ and to help my brothers and sisters to walk in that Light too! Amen. (So be it!)

Hinderances that can block you from receiving your deliverance

By definition a hindrance is generally anything that impedes, obstructs, stops or retards progress. Anything that blocks or inhibits you or me from receiving what is rightfully ours through the Word and by the Blood of Jesus can be considered a hindrance. A hindrance can also be defined as any legal, biblical ground the enemy has over you. Examples of some hindrances are: sin, unforgiveness, unbelief, curses, pride, fear, embarrassment, lack of desire, lack of knowledge, passivity, occultism, and ungodly soul ties.

Difference between John 14:14 and John 16:23

When praying according to John 14:14, you are asking Jesus, in the Name of Jesus Christ, to do something for you; as an example: to forgive your sins to forgive sins of a loved one to destroy curses to destroy evil strongholds to protect your child, etc. When praying according to John 16:23, you are asking your Heavenly Father to give you something in Jesus Christ's Name; for an example: to give you total deliverance; to give to you total peace to give your child salvation to give you financial freedom, etc. You are either asking Jesus to do something for you or asking God to give you something; the importance is to pray to God; mirroring the scripture that applies to what you are asking; stating to God that Your Word says this... John 14:14 – do or John 16:23 – give ... and I am standing on Your Word to do/give unto me ______.


Restoration is to be brought back to our position and condition before the foundation of the world when we were chosen. At our spiritual birth into the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ, we were immediately made the righteousness of God in Christ. We were justified, cleansed and redeemed from the curse of the Law of sin and death. We were purchased with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, made His Own and adopted into His family. We are given the mind of Christ as we were reconciled to God and given the Ministry of Reconciliation as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. We have been by grace justified and made whole.

We were restored to that place in God, before the fall, in which Adam fell from dominion into sin consciousness (where Adam saw his own nakedness before God). This means there was a point in time however before Adam had "fallen" into sin consciousness. At this point before Adam's fall mankind did not need restoration back to God. The time I am referring to, even before Adam, was the laying of the foundation of the world. Even before that scripture states that BEFORE the foundation of the world the Lord knew us (meaning we had an interactive relationship with Him, He knew us and we knew Him). In restoration, we are brought back into that vital relationship of knowing Him again. This is the place the Lord wants us to realize that in Christ, we are, in Him.

It is all about Him, God, Jesus. It is all about knowing Him Face to Face, knowing Him and His Ways. The Word says Moses knew His Ways, and the children of Israel knew His "acts". God's "acts" are great and wonderful but not as near as He is!

We are seated in the Heavenly Places with the Lord, BE STILL, and know that He is God, He is in control. Do not fret, nor squirm, do not get up out of your protected Heavenly position and get back into the "Adam" mind set trying to figure things out, that is Adam thinking. We are to possess and have the mind of Christ! The devil is defeated! LET GOD! Let God arise and defeat your enemies and heal you. The Word of the Lord says to Call Upon the Lord. Let God be God, so you are healed, made whole, and restored in all areas. What ever ailes you take it to God in prayer, confessing God's Word believing! Stop that mind set! (Gal. 5:1) That is why Jesus shed His Blood for you in the first place, RESTORATION to the Heavenly Father! That is whole, that is complete in : spirit, soul, and body!

Be restored and don't let anyone rob you of your inheritance! Know Whose you are, Who you are, where you came from, where you are (seated in the Heavenly Places with your Lord!) and where He is leading you (speaking to you now!) Just BE, learn to Be content IN Him(!) as you were before the foundation of this world were formed, in Him! (!!)

We are to become Ambassadors of Christ and His Kingdom reconciling men and women to Christ. We are also called by the Lord to be Restorers of the Breach between mankind (others) and God. God through the Holy Spirit desires to restore other's spirit, mind, desires, will, emotions, and body in to that divine creature we are to be.

Walking in the Mind of Christ - Restored and Walking in the Light with Our Lord

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

"But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead." Phil 3:7-11

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Honor the LORD with your possessions, And with the first-fruits of all your increase; So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine." Prov 3:5-10

Recommended reading: "Chosen For Greatness" by Kelley Varner

Why Pray?

Praying to our Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus Christ, using God's Holy Word (scripture) in prayer is the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves and others. The heart of prayer is the will of our Heavenly Father. Part of that will is simply coming to Him. He desires us, as His dear children to know Him. He desires your love, your attention, your fellowship (more than just being related to Him through Jesus), He also desires a time of communion, an intimate time of personal exchange and involvement, and finally a release of His will and manifest Presence in the earth through prayer.

As you pray for your needs and the needs of others, you are actually becoming a prayer warrior, an intercessor, just as Jesus was and is today for each of us. Jesus is constantly interceding for us to our Heavenly Father. It is written that Jesus was sent to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3:8. We are to do the same. We have the power and authority through Jesus Christ. All we have to do is live in the promise of the Word of God and to use His precious Name.

The most powerful weapons we have are the Name of Jesus Christ and God's Holy Word against satan and his foul wicked demons. No power of darkness can stand against the Word of God in the Name of Jesus Christ, and through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

The importance of confessing our sins and worshipping God, according to the Word of God: "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Psalms 66:18. "We know that God does not listen to sinners: but if anyone is God-fearing and a worshipper of Him and does His will, He listens to him." John 9:31.

Prayerlessness is a sin according to 1 Sam. 12:23.

The Lord’s Principle of Prayer

I suppose all new Christians begin their walk with many questions, and of course a lot of advice from those who might have prayed with them when they received Jesus as Savior. Several pieces of advice that are always given, and of course, good advice it is, starts with; "Be sure to read your Bible and of course don't forget to pray". The first of these is not so hard if you can read, but the second can most often lead to the hard question, how do I pray? I think, as I look back, that was one of my questions when I was saved some 34 years ago now, and I did not have a clue, but I learned a real good way to start was reading the Bible daily, and also truly learning the word of God. Now turn to Matthew 6;

Here we find Jesus, with His disciples on the mount, just after He taught them the beatitudes, speaking to them concerning prayer and in verse 7 through 13:

"And when you pray, do not heap up phrases (multiply words, repeating the same ones over and over) as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their much speaking.

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him."

Pray then in this way:

"Our Father Who art in heaven,

Hallowed be Thy Name,

Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done.

On earth as it is in heaven,

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

And do not lead us into temptation,

But deliver us from evil,

For thine is the kingdom,

And the power, and the glory,

Forever, Amen"!

This is a truly beautiful teaching of the Lord, as of course all were and are, but it is not a prayer as we think of prayer. Jesus did not say, when you pray, pray this prayer, rather He said, "Pray then in this way". He gave them the principle, a pattern to follow as they went to the Lord with their petitions and requests. I, for one, still have many questions to ask, but I am also learning that the Holy Spirit is a most willing teacher and never fails to give the answer that I need, so I always go to Him first and wait.

The first word, "Our" reveals a new dimension in our lives. We are no longer a solo act, doing our own thing, but we are now in a community, a fellowship that includes many brothers and sisters in the Lord. We may not always be in their company, but we are always members of the same body and as such, no longer alone. We are addressing the Father of us all. Now we progress to the second word, "Father", which tells us that we are part of a very large family that is seeking to communicate with the One God and Father who is reaching out to us. He is the One you are opening your heart to; the One who has tender ears to hear His children calling out to Him.

"Who art in heaven" This is a given knowledge, of where your petition is being heard. He Who sits in the heavens [Ps. 2:4a], is He Who resides in His kingdom and sits upon His throne. He is also the One who has sent His Son to redeem us and we are now not our own, but we are His property (1st Corinthians 6:19-20). He rules and reigns over the universe from His eternally divine position.

"Hallowed be Thy Name", now you are really at the part that could be labeled worship, which we all should move into as we go into prayer, We are calling on the Almighty God and we are first acknowledging His holiness (‘hallowed'); What an awesome thought. When Moses met Him at the burning bush (the hallowed ground), he asked Him, Who should I tell them is sending me? God spoke and said that he should tell them that I AM is sending you. Paul wrote of Jesus in Philippians that God had highly exalted Him and had given Him a Name that is higher than any other, that at the Name of Jesus every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. As we go back into the Old Testament we find many of the compound Names of God: Jehovah Nissi – Strength – Jehovah Rohi – Shepherd – Jehovah Shalom – Peace – Jehovah Rapha – Healer – Jehovah Jireh – Provider – Jehovah Tsidkenu – Righteousness – Jehovah Makaddesh – Sanctification. There are many others that your study will reveal, but Names to the Hebrew man or woman of that day revealed the character of God. His character is much broader, but that is to be found in further study. But in Jesus, all these character virtues are present, because He was born the Godhead incarnate. In the Amplified Bible, in John 14, 15, and 16 you will find bracketed behind the phrase, "In My Name" the words [presenting all that I AM]. He is the fullness of the Godhead and so as you use His Name in prayer you are calling on and expressing all that God is. (Read Acts 4:12)

"Thy Kingdom come..." You have entered, through your born again experience, the kingdom of God. It is the dimension that embodies the way God does things. You are to call into this earth realm, by prayer to God, His kingdom answer to every need. Jesus said that it should be in the earth the same as it is in heaven. What you are in reality asking, is that the Father not only send the kingdom of God to the earth, but send the revelation into our hearts as well, so that we can alter our lives' thinking accordingly, now add the rest of the verse;

"Thy will be done ... in the earth as it is in heaven". How is it in heaven? It's liberty in Christ Jesus, free of illness and affliction, free of lack and poverty, and free of all oppression and the strength of the Almighty expressed through your weakness as was Paul's, in 2 Corinthians 12 where God said that His strength and power are made perfect and show themselves most effective in our weakness. The Supernatural expressing Himself in the natural. Remember, that His word is His will, so study to show yourselves approved

(2 Timothy 2:15), and your prayer life will take on the power of His answers. Find in the Word, scriptures that apply to your requests and pray those scriptures as prayer. There are several verses in the Old Testament that address this powerfully.

Jeremiah 23:29 "Is not my Word like fire that consumes all that cannot endure the test? Says the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks in pieces the rock [of most stubborn resistance]?"

"Put Me in remembrance [remind Me of your merits]: let us plead and argue together. Set forth your case, that you may be justified (proved right)." [Your case in the courts of heaven is His word] Isaiah 43:26 -- Now read and add to this 1 John 5:14-15.

"Give us this day our daily bread" Here you are addressing Jehovah Jireh, God our Provider, asking Him to provide your daily bread. Yesterday has passed and you have today to rejoice and be glad in and He will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. He declared this in Philippians 4:19, and nothing escapes His sight and heart, for your ‘needs' can cover much ground, and not just your financial needs. Jehovah Jireh literally means, God Who sees ahead. He knew your daily needs ahead of all time, since before time was, and He made advance provision for all of them. In prayer, you are traveling a course that will cause you to intersect His supply for you. In the trek through the wilderness, when Manna fell from heaven, they were only allowed to take just what the day would demand for their well being. More taken would only spoil, except on the weekend when they could get an extra portion, to meet every need until the Sabbath passed. This is a marvelous avenue to build faith and trust on and God is faithful to the promises in His word. He is our provider and is to be trusted completely.

"Forgive us our debts as we have also forgiven our debtors" There is a great measure of God's will in this portion – ‘Forgiveness'. One of the most important words to be grasped in this is "as". When we have any unforgiveness in our hearts, then we are basically saying; judge me as I am judging the one that I have an aught against. We have amplified the "as". When you go just a little further in Mark 11:24-25, you will find Jesus, discussing this with His disciples, and relating it to prayer;
"For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you and you will get it.
And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop."

Here you can see how much emphasis the Father puts on our forgiving others in order to have our prayers be effective. Forgiveness is one of the conditions of answered, believing prayer and is an important condition that the Father places on receiving an answer. Forgiveness and answers are tied together. God's love is to be the radiant virtue of the righteous and His word in 1 Corinthians 13:7b declares that love believes the best in every person and as such forgiveness is the way of life for the Christian. There is a verse in James 5:16c that makes a tremendous statement;

"...The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in it's working]."

One of the key virtues displayed in the righteous man's life is walking in the attitude of forgiveness as His Father has forgiven him. God's love is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 5:5)

"And lead us not into temptation" Here we need to see the word that the Greeks used for the word ‘temptation' properly translated makes this a more palatable request. The word is ‘peirasmos' and means trials with a beneficial purpose. The way this verse reads when this translation is used is, ‘lead us not into a hard trial or testing'. Again we look at the book of James and in Chapter 1:13 we read;

"Let no one say when he is tempted, I am tempted from God; for God is incapable of being tempted by [what is] evil and He Himself tempts no one (with evil)."

Jesus was saying, don't pray yourself into a hard spot, your Father is loving and will not be a part of that. He wants only that which is beneficial for you and that might occur in testing and usually does, but not because you pray for it, it just comes as a part of life's journey and it comes daily, but the Holy Spirit is always there to strengthen you, for He is the strengthener. Spiritual testing is always a growing experience and mature growth is a most desperate need in the body of Christ. (John 14:26 Amp.) Just for the record, look at Psalms 119:67, 71 and 75: verse 75: "I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are right and righteous, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me." [Afflicted here is tried, proven]

"...but deliver us from the evil one" I won't go too far with this one except to say this; The Bible never gives any doubt that there is a power of evil in this world. Some translations have had this to read, ‘deliver us from evil' and that is not complete. It should always read, "deliver us from the evil one". The Bible does not teach that evil is some sort of principle that is an abstract, but rather it is a very active personal power, an enemy, an adversary called the devil who opposes God and all He stands for. It is from that power of destruction, that Jesus has us to pray for deliverance. We do know that in 1 John 4:4 there is a powerful statement in our behalf and it declares;

"Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have already defeated and overcome them [the agents of the anti-Christ], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world."

The agents of anti-christ here are the powers of evil and He has already disarmed them and triumphed over them and made a public display of them (Read Galatians 2:15)

"For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen" All glory to God, Who is able to answer all prayer, prayed in the right manner and context. Prayer is to be a simple conversation with the God of all creation. He is your creator and the lover of your soul and He does not know how to hurt and He is more desirous and willing to answer than you are to pray. Look to Him, seek His face and not His hand and He will meet you at the intersection of any need you have and any desire your heart longs for. Sit down and talk to Him, He is so easy to know and He desires that you know Him well.

There is nothing on earth or in heaven, for time or eternity, that God's Son did not secure for us. By prayer God gives us the vast and matchless inheritance which is ours by virtue of His Son. God is glorified and Christ is honored by large asking. (E. M. Bounds)

Always remember, we are heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ Jesus.

Remember though, all we have been sharing is not a prayer, but rather it is the "Lord's Own Principle" for praying, it is a rich pattern to follow.

The scriptures that you have seen in this that are now written are those that you should look up, study, and get into your heart.

Invest in some good books on prayer and the following is just a few;

Destined for the Throne by Paul E. Billheimer

Prayer [Understanding the Purpose of...] by Myles Munroe

The Names of God by Nathan Stone

Prayer: Life's Limitless Reach by Jack Taylor

Beyond the Veil by Alice Smith

Prison To Praise by Merlin Carrothers

Are You Sure? You Can Know For Sure!

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb..." "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you." (Jeremiah 1:5, 31:3)


You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free. We need to stand free and to know what true freedom is. Life is full of many choices and there is a sure path (Jeremiah 6:16) we can take. We all have to make decisions in various areas of life on a daily basis. Unfortunately there are those things in this life that "appear as one thing" when they are actually something totally different. The truth about something can determine whether we make the right choices in this life. Truth is not something that is relative to just one situation and then changes to fit another situation. Truth is constant, never changing. Having a working knowledge of what Truth really is and how to walk in the Truth will help you to make the right decisions in your life.

"Multitudes , multitudes in the valley of decision!", Joel 3:14 NKJV

As you go through this life you will need to recognize the Truth in order to see clearly so you understand what is truly happening and why. In turn this will help us to understand and reason clearly. We need to be sure of the path (course) we are on and realize that there is only one way meant for us.

Are the Decisions we Make that Important?

Absolutely, the course you're on, the decisions you select will lead you somewhere eventually. There used to be a saying that all roads (paths) lead to Rome. This is not true! All roads do not lead to Rome. Some roads are dead ends. Other roads or paths in this life seem to be right but end up a waste of time. Some roads in this life lead people down paths (Jeremiah 18:15) they may wish they had never taken (regret, sorrow, even death). The stark reality is that we go through "this" life only once. That is a vital statement. We all want the best for our lives and others. Most people go through life trying to stay up with their perception of "life" and trying to get it right along with the flow (ways) of humanity and its challenges. Sometimes our decisions can tend to weigh us down even when they are not all that serious. That is not to say that some


The Right Plan (Course) for Your Life and How to Find It, Get to It, and Live "In" It

Like a car going down the road, we don't want to end up in a ditch or as with boats, shipwrecked! That is what this message is about, finding and staying "in" that sure path for your life. Wouldn't it be sad to be thinking that things are really going well and believing things are okay when actually you could be headed straight for trouble or in it and not realize it?

From Here to There

It is important to start out on the right path. Then it is important to stay on the right path. Finally it is important to end up at the correct and final destination point. (2 Tim 4:7) If you start in a straight line and your destination is a few miles up ahead and you get off just one degree then you will end up quite a ways from your intended destination and most likely not finish the course.

How I came into the Right Path and How I "Know" It!

You might say at this point, "How do you know this?" A change so pervasive and strong came into my life when I was about five and a half years old. I experienced something so life enriching and powerful that I have to share and help others know that Truth. Ever since then, I have walked in the Truth, experienced Truth and found out that Truth is a Person. He is very real! He desires us to have a loving, and caring relationship with Him. Truth has a Name, His Name is Jesus. It is in a relationship with God's Son, Jesus Christ, that we experience and learn about Him. He is committed in His love and faithfulness toward us. Literally and figuratively speaking, it is God Who places and keeps our feet on His path in life. He is the One Who designed and created your life, He knows all of the situations and circumstances you will ever encounter. He has a plan on how to deal with each situation or circumstance that arises. He is in control of His creation. When you hook up with Him, then you are on the correct path! (Psalms 119:35, 119:105, and Proverbs 2:9) He desires to bless you, enrich you, causing you to prosper in all areas of the life He has designed for you. He desires to help you, and encourage you. Those that find Him and enter in with Him will never be sorry.

Awakening to Truth (God is the Truth)

There is only one True Truth. Even God's Word to us declares that God is Light and in Him is no darkness (deception or lies). When a person has the Truth opened up to them; then they can say the Truth has been revealed. True revelation can only come through those who have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The Truth will not only reveal new aspects about God but He will also open up new insights, wisdom, and revelations about life, self, and others around you and the way you perceive. Things will change because the touch of the Creator changes all who choose Him. This will happen because you are being transformed into His likeness.

Why does this Occur?

We were originally made in His likeness, and in the likeness of His Precious Son, Jesus the Christ. We are of His design and He knows what is best for each of us. Notice I said He knows what is best for each of us. Usually we think we know what is best for us (this is called pride). When we think that way then we get in trouble! That is why the human race is so far away in their relationship with God, instead of knowing God, they are seeking "paths to enlightenment" but leaving God their Creator out of their thinking (their life), being blind themselves but think they truly see. They are those who continue stumbling down a mental path of self deception. We think we "have to" do things our way because we think we know best. In all actuality we simply need to come to God for all our needs. We need God all the time! It is God's persistent love for us and mercy that helps us endure the hardships of this life.

The help or revelation God gives us is to see and understand what is also missing in our lives or where we fall short. We are then able to realize "the condition that our condition is in!" This revelation from our Heavenly Father is not given to us to condemn us or beat us but as a loving Father He helps us see our need, where we fall short and need His help, which without, we would never be able to make it! Our true need is to come to Him and embrace Him and all He has for us, Him and Life Eternal through His Son Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father dearly loves us! Yes, He loves and cares for you! Even when we were in darkness (ignorance) and opposed to Him, He loved us and gave His life for us! That my friend is True Love!

We Are Not So Perfect After All

Revelation will always affect our realization. Most people perceive everything going on in their life as good, good enough, close enough, near perfect, or perfect. Either way it is common for most people to settle for what seems to work well or is comfortable. Being comfortable or being at ease can be a major deception. Falling short of a mature or complete outcome by thinking you are "close enough to what it should be" is essentially saying "Well that's good enough for me" or "that's the way it should be." Our perception about the way life is going can be a lie that we readily accept. For example, "Everything seems to be flowing smoothly so why upset things by changing it now!" Most people think that if life is going good it has to be a "God thing!" Wrong!

How An Enemy of Our Soul Is Allowed to Creep In

Many people believe there is a God and for them that is "good enough." No, it is not enough! To just believe there is a God does not insure anything except that God "is" or "was" in their thinking somewhere, somehow, at sometime and I will deal with Him later when I have the time, things are okay, "I'm okay", or "I am too busy for this stuff now."

Friend, I have lived long enough to see people make that mistake. Things can so easily drive you away from God and His Truth: distractions, accidents, weddings, and even a death of a loved one. You don't know the day, the hour, minute or second your life can be taken from you! The Truth is that God's Word tells us that there is more to just believing that God "is". God tells us in His Word, "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." (James 2:19) When all is said and done, these devils, or fallen angels, deceiving and lying spirits sent out to deceive mankind by God's enemy satan, are not going to be in Heaven with God, they will be in a place set aside for them by God and this is not a good place to be!

The Spiritual Realm is Real

The spiritual realm is a real unseen existence, alive and active. There is a war going on of satan, and his demonic spirits (evil), against God, and His angels, and praying saints (good). This war is for the possession of your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and dominate the unredeemed spirit of that person.

There are many lies out there. Let me give you insight how these work to draw you away from God and the relationship He desires to have with you, and His plan for your life in Him.

Lie #1 All people will be forgiven and be in Heaven. God will surely forgive me without Jesus in my life.

Lie #2 There is no God or Devil.

Lie #3 There is no Heaven or Hell.

Lie #4 The Bible was just a book written by men.

Lie #5 Religion was thought up by a man or men to control the masses.

Lie #6 Man evolved.

Lie #7 I believe some of the Bible is true and I don't take it so

literal; I am okay.

Lie #8 I can get to Heaven on my own good behavior or merit.

Lie #9 I am good and I will be good and help others. (This is called "works.")

Lie #10 I believe in God but I don't think I need to ask

Jesus into my heart, because there are many ways to Him.

Lie #11 I believe there is a God. I believe in God. This "cross" or "Jesus" thing is not for me.

Lie #12 I believe in God, and His Son and what Jesus did. I am good, and that is good enough!

Lie #13 I believe Jesus was just a Prophet sent by God.

Lie #14 How can Jesus' Blood save anyone? ...that's a bloody religion. Do you expect me to teach my children that?

... it's God's fault, what kind of God would..., and the list goes on!

The devil gives people excuses and reasons to believe God does not exist or that He is afar off. The devil is also trying to persuade people into thinking they don't need God or that He is a weak God.

The devil, Lucifer, is a created being, a fallen Cherub (angel), who became twisted on the inside. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which weakened the nations!" (Isaiah 14:12) The only power the devil has is the power you give him over yourself by believing his lies. These lies are like a trap, or a snare that take people captive. The devil, the enemy of God, and his evil followers on this planet are always trying to draw you and me away from our Heavenly Father, a relationship with Him, and His plan for our lives. Most people don't even realize when they are deceived or ensnared, that is how slick (devious) the devil is. The most dangerous thing I see in people that allows this deception to occur is pride. Pride is blindness to God and the reality that we need Him! Pride tells us that we can do things without God's help or intervention. That is dangerous. Through pride we become blinded, set in our minds and hearts to go another way (stiff necked), with a bad attitude (hard-hearted) and rebellious (against or opposing God). When blinded like that we can believe a lie or think we are okay even when we are not. God is the turning point, the turning around place, is in Him! We need God's help! We need God!


As for me and you, the key is to know and have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. This is not an option, nor an opinion, but Truth (which is greater than a fact)! Experienced Truth!!! We must realize that God is real and He has thoughts, feelings, power, and is pure love. God is pure in thought, intent, and motive! He is for us! He is telling you "I truly love you, come to me." God loves us and knows best for us. Anything else is a lie rejecting Him.

The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth!

You can not just have a part of God's Word or Truth. We must have the entire Truth. Just to believe that God is, is not enough! God's Word to us states, "As you believe in your heart AND confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, then you are saved."

To be "saved" means that a conversion or a God-produced change takes place in a person due to Jesus Christ being received into your heart. I truly believe that there is a higher percentage of church members who believe that they are truly saved yet lack a true conversion.

This is extremely important!

When you receive Jesus Christ into your heart, His character, and the power of God, will bring change into your life! Sometimes it is experienced and seen quickly and at other times it is not as evident.

Conversion can be defined as a change that takes place in our heart or spirit-man, through the Spirit of God. We are born into this world, separated from God, due to sin. We become awakened or "made alive" to God through the intervention of His Holy Spirit in our lives, moving us to repentance. Repentance is the turning away from our sinful nature, by acknowledging it in the presence of God's Holiness, where we see we fall short of being Holy like GOD, and then turning to God and receiving His help, mercy and grace, to empower us to change to God's ways and likeness. This is can only be done through the Holy Spirit as we submit or yield, to allow, this change to take place in us. The Holy Spirit helps us to see this need to receive Jesus Christ as Savior, who takes away our sins and to receive Him as Lord, to help us live a life right unto God. At this point, by an act of faith on our part (believing that God is and trusting Him), we ask Jesus Christ into our heart (inner man) as Savior and Lord. This is the process of giving our lives to and receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. We are now born into the Kingdom of God as his dear sons or daughters!

After receiving Jesus Christ into your heart a "desiring" to remain in that relationship with Him will come alive or exist in you. Therefore you will "know" He lives in you! So please take your time reading this booklet.

You say that you believe? Then you are in a wonderful position or place! Rejoice in that, but do not stop reading. Let God's TRUTH confirm that to you as you read.

Who You Are and How a Person can be Separated From God and Not Realize it!

You are a spirit being in a body, with a mind, will, and emotions. These three parts, the mind, the will, and emotions make up your human soul. When Jesus is Savior in your life the "true" you, the spirit-man, expresses itself through the soul into the world around you. Therefore when all things are in their correct God-given order then (God in our spirit-being) moves through our soul via His Holy Spirit; expressing Himself to the world through us; making known His Presence, His Love, and His Way. However, if Jesus is not Savior and Lord in your life then what ever thought pops up tends to rule and express itself, directing your life.

For example, let's take a light bulb with no electricity; it may be good and functional. It may exist but it does not shine forth shedding light. Now if that light bulb was a human being, not having experienced God, it would not know what it is missing, thinking life is okay, thinking that "this is life just the way it ought to be!" You know in life, light bulbs when placed in a light socket brings forth light, else it is thrown away! I thank God He didn't cast me out or throw me away! God saw me in my state of need and made a way for me through His Son Jesus Christ. God wants to come into your life, like electricity to a light bulb that is not perfect, to love you and get you connected to Him. He wants to shine in us and through us in a darkened (blinded and ignorant to God) and dying world that truly needs Him. The only thing we have to do is make the right choice (Deuteronomy 30:19, Joel 3:14) to come to Him, repent showing true regret of sin and being away from Him, acknowledge we need Him, and ask His Son Jesus Christ into our heart, which will allow that connection in our lives, then we will start to shine with God's Life and Light!

"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly." (Proverbs 20:27). What do candles do? Like light bulbs, they are meant to bring light to the room they are in. Light, in this case, brings revelation of what is in the room and understanding can then takes place. Just like a light being turned on in a darkened place, you will then see and understand exactly what is before you concerning God and this world. Ignorance (darkness) flees when God's Light comes in.

Let's Take it From the Top!

Here is the problem. When we are born, we are born in our human nature separated from God and the Truth of God, due to a spiritual fall or separation of Adam, the first man, from God; therefore our minds from one generation to the next, are corrupt, shaped by sinful (separating from God) tendencies. There is a veil of this sinful blindness or darkness that keeps us from seeing and understanding the Truth. Darkness can mask Truth out if we don't know Truth. We therefore can not perceive the Truth on our own. When we belong to God through Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God helps to order and direct our thoughts. However, on our own, with misguided minds (with wrong or bad perceptions), we think we are okay. We think we can do anything right, apart from God, but in all actuality, we are deceived. We must have God, (like a light in a dark room) in us to even begin to understand how far off base we are or how bad we have missed what is really going on. God is not coming to us to condemn us but to reveal Himself and invite us to share with Him in His most wonderful Life and Light. Without the Truth and Light of God we will not understand why the world – those people fallen or separated from God, act and do the things they do. If you listen to what people say you can clearly hear their words justifying their actions and giving a clear broadcast of the darkened heart and mind they live in. God didn't make us robots. Instead, God gave us a choice, and it is up to each one of us to walk with Him or apart from Him. Thank God He didn't leave us, nor forsake us in that condition, but has provided a way back to our Heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but my Me." (John 14:6)

God Made A Way!

Jesus is the Way back to our Heavenly Father. The Word of God clearly states that our life is hid in Him. So if you want to find your purpose and fulfillment in this life, you can only find it in a relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. In God's eyes, everybody has value and worth. We must realize that we are God's creation and He loves us. He has also given us great potential, a purpose, and has a plan for our lives. Even if you were conceived outside of marriage; you are not an accident! The Lord tells us through His Word, "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb...", Jeremiah 1:5. "Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you...", (Jeremiah 31:3).

The first step in finding His purpose and plan for your life is to go to Him!

The way to God is through His Son, Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

It is that simple! For many people that is too simple. Most people "feel" they are not worthy and therefore do not want to go to God or cry out to Him. Others are blinded by pride and don't even realize it (self-sufficient not wanting to acknowledge a need for help). That is the fallen nature of mankind lying to you. The truth is that you are God's precious creation and He longs for you to come to Him!

Other people feel or reason that they have to work to earn entrance into Heaven or some way "qualify" to get on "God's good side" so He will allow them into Heaven. That is not God's way and it will fail!

God tells us very clearly that He loves us. He then tells us that all have sinned and fallen short of His glory. Yes, even at one point in time, I, the person writing this booklet, was lost in sin, separated from God, but yet while Jesus was on the cross He counted it (you and me) as joy set before Him to die on that cross, for my sin and yours, which separated us from Him (Jesus) and God the Father.

Jesus has made the Way (Path) back to God the Father. For this very reason God so loved you that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ as the perfect (substitute) sin offering to die on the cross for you and me.

..."I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6)

Only Jesus' life sacrificed and His Blood could make atonement (pay in full) for our sins before our Heavenly Father! This was the only acceptable sacrifice acceptable to God the Father for our sins. This selfless act of love on God's part, through His Son, made a Way for us back to Him so we could once again enter into a relationship with Him. He so longingly desires for us to be with Him!

Jesus Christ made it possible for you and me to become accepted back into a place of fellowship with God, our Heavenly Father. Our part is to accept this gift of His love. Jesus paid the only acceptable price for our sins, so that we would no longer be separated by those sins from our Heavenly Father. It is now up to us individually to receive that gift. (Romans 5:18)

God did not plan to have you come on this earth just to watch you grow old and die. God cares about you! You are His creation! He desires a relationship with you here and now. Yes. I said a relationship! Yes, it is possible; I speak from that relationship even now, because that is where I live, move and have my being, which is in that relationship with Him!

"Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith; Who for the joy that was set before Him [that is you and me] endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)

The Feeling of Unworthiness in His Presence

Sometimes we realize God's awesomeness and we "feel" unworthy to be in His Presence or to go to Him, due to His true love and character. The truth is that when we become His dear children through Jesus Christ, we are made worthy and restored to Him. God desires us to do more than just ask Jesus Christ into our heart and become converted. We are to continue in an ongoing relationship with Him. Even in maintaining our relationship with Him, He knows that we need His help and He is faithful to us to supply it! This is not a come to Him "one time" deal! He desires for us to grow closer to Him, getting to know Him through an ongoing and continuous basis. As we mature and grow in Him many things in our lives will be seen for what they truly are, but remember, God already knew that those things were in your life before you chose to give your life to Him. Our Heavenly Father wants to reveal things to us so that we can see the lies that we have been told and believe. He wants us to be set free in areas of our lives where we are deceived (believe a lie and thinking we are okay). In other words, we come to Him and exchange whatever the darkness is, for the Truth and receive a fresh new way of thinking and living causing you and me to be changed, therefore coming closer to Him. He has taken the first step! It is now up to us to respond by taking the next step by accept this gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ.

Is Hell real?

Yes! Most people do not take God seriously enough at His Word and that is sad. I was walking along one day and God quickly brought back into my mind an incident of a man who had driven his car to a wooded area. The man got out of his car, went up into the woods, and using a gun, killed himself. The man had a history of drugs and work-related problems. I was walking along the street where I lived one day, and I asked the Lord, "Is the man in Hell, Lord?" The Lord clearly and recognizably said, "Yes". At that moment, I was looking down toward the sidewalk and God gave me a vision of a dark hole. I saw this man stretching upward, trying to reach up and get out of this pit. Pain soared up out of this opening from him. This man was in pain! Fear and torment were easily seen on his face. I was allowed to experience a slight measure of it myself, it was horrible! I saw fire race up through him. The man screamed. The agony of the moment raced ever so briefly through me! Just as fast as I saw it and experienced it, it went away, and more was to come. A feeling of dread as to what might come next followed. I was left without words. I asked the Lord if this man had ever asked Jesus Christ into His heart. And the Lord said, "No". The man had been led down this darkened road through drugs and self-means (ideas and choices). The man was in excruciating torment. I remember thinking, "Oh God, if he had only asked Jesus Christ into his heart as his Savior and Lord, and had that relationship in his life, then he would not be there today." Physically we live this life only once and death marks the end of it. We each need to have our own relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ! Those that do not follow God through receiving Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, AND do not do (obey) His will are the same people who are actually saying to God that they desire to do their own thing. They are therefore in rebellion against Him, and are following the way of the devil.

All of this is plainly depicted throughout God's Word in Psalms 9:17. God's Holy and Righteous children will not be subject to the same place in eternity as the children of wrath. The children of wrath are those who will experience God's wrath in a place set aside for them, the devil and his kind, a place called Hell and the Lake of Fire! They have chosen it for themselves; no one forced them into opposition against God. We have all been given a free will by God and the right to make our own decision (choice); to receive Jesus Christ as our Savior (Who takes away our sins), and Lord (Who leads us in Life Eternal).

Knowing You Are Speaking To the God Who Created You !

God has given all who chooses to come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, Eternal Life. This brings all of humanity to the place where each of us must individually make a choice to receive Jesus Christ, God's only Son, into our heart. There is only One Way back to God (YHVH), some people use the name Jehovah here but that is not an exact Hebraic rendering of the Name of God the Father. So we know Who we are speaking of I want to give you some background now. The True Heavenly Father, decided what Way was the only acceptable Way, Himself. He didn't come and ask man's advice, being God(!) He decided and made the only (one) acceptable Way back to Him. That Way is through His Son Jesus the Christ. We need to understand that "Jesus" was the Name of the human form (the man or house the spirit of the man Jesus would dwell in when He came to Earth) God the Father chose for Him. "Christ" is the Holy Spirit. Jesus was indwelt with the Holy Spirit and in-filled with the Holy Spirit (Ruach Ha Kodesh) of God (YHVH), Know the Truth and the Truth (Who is a Person, the Holy Spirit) will set you free! Jesus Christ is therefore called the Messiah (Yeshua). Who is alive forever more!

So as you can see clearly the Way back to God is not "Buddha", not "Mohammad", and not Allah, a false god.

Messiah(Yeshua-Jesus Christ) is the Only True, acceptable sacrifice and therefore the Only True Way back to God our Heavenly Father.

Notice that when your mom called for you she did not use another name. For sake of the conversation let me be called "Sam". When you come into my place of work you don't say you are looking for "Joe" if you are trying to see me and talk with me, you ask for Sam.

It is sad to say, but many are deceived thinking that "YHVH" and "Allah" are one in the same. Not so! Many are being deceived with a demonic doctrine and are being given a bill of false peace, false unity, and a false sense of safety. Many are being sold out to the guise of "political correctness". Many are being taught that Allah is another name for the True God of Heaven. This Is Not So! To tell some one Allah is God is a LIE and is straight from the "father of lies", the devil or satan himself! We are being confronted with a lie right to our face by the devil in the name of peace, a false peace and must be armed with the Truth so we are able to make the right choice. Choose Life, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, or choose death in a false god. The line is clearly drawn and seen. We do not bow to the false god Allah, but we choose Life, in Jesus Christ!

These words are not to attack the muslim, for they too are sons of Abraham through Ishmael, son of the Egyptian bond servant Hagar, who was cast out from Abraham's camp. When their provisons had run out Hagar cried to the Lord, ". . . and lift up her voice, and wept. And God heard the voice of the lad, and the angel of God called Hagar out of heaven, and said unto her, What aileth thee, Hagar ? fear not; for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation." Genesis 16:16-18. God took care of Ishmael by providing water springing up in the desert. This verse prophetically implies that the sons of Ishmael may come to the Living Waters, of Jesus Christ (Yeshua), through repentance, and by accepting and receiving, Jesus Christ (Yeshua), as their Messiah, Lord and Savior.

God the Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are the True and Living God, the Truth, the Life, and the Way, longsuffering, and compassionate, Creator of all things that exist. All things consists and are held together by Them. Jesus Christ has the fullness of the God-head. He is the Truth. He is Life Eternal. He is the Light of men. He is the One you better be trusting and receiving, following and pouring your life back to. Jesus Christ is the Only True Way back to your Heavenly Father.

Our Heavenly Father, through His Word to us in 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 18 says, "But all things are from God, Who through Jesus Christ reconciled us to Himself [received us into favor, brought us into harmony with Himself] and gave to us the ministry of reconciliation [ that by word and deed we might aim to bring others into harmony with Him]." AMP *

Verse 19, "It was God [personally present] in Christ, reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, not counting up and holding against [men] their trespasses [but canceling them] , and committing to us the message of reconciliation (of the restoration of favor)." AMP *

We each have a free will to choose or not to choose Eternal Life (with God). We choose Eternal Life by asking His Son, Jesus Christ, into our heart, and allowing Him to change us from there outward!

John 3:16 clearly states, "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life."

Perish means to die, death, spiritual death, being separated from God eternally. Thank God that it is not His desire for us to be separated from Him. Instead God so loved us that He made a Way back to Himself through Jesus Christ.

Psalms 49:8 says, "For a soul is far too precious to be ransomed by mere earthly wealth. There is not enough of it in all the earth to buy eternal life for just one soul, to keep it out of hell."

Some Major Stumbling Blocks, Pit Falls, and Wrong Beliefs about "Getting Into Heaven"


Many do not believe God at His Word, and that Jesus Christ is alive even in the flesh, today.

God, through His Word to us, clearly states that Jesus Christ appeared after His death and resurrection to: Mary, two men on the Damascus road, to the disciples in a room, and to countless others. Was this just as a spirit? No! Did He actually come in the flesh? Yes! Let's look at the evidence recorded in God's Word.

Thomas, a disciple of Jesus Christ, was not with the other disciples the first time they saw Jesus after the crucifixion and resurrection. When the other disciples reported the appearance of Jesus to Thomas, he doubted this occurrence! When Jesus appeared a second time to the disciples, "doubting Thomas" was there and not only saw Him but also TOUCHED the nail-scared places in Jesus' hands. Thomas commented saying, "My Lord, my God!" (John 20:28). Wow! You cannot ask for any greater witness or testimony than that! Jesus resurrected and alive in the flesh! Many other people also saw Him ascend into the clouds out of sight.


Many have not confessed Jesus as their personal Savior, the One True awaited Messiah. He came in the flesh, died on the cross, and God raised Him from the dead: spirit, soul, and body.

As you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth then you will be saved, that is, born into the Kingdom of God as His dear son or daughter. It only takes simple childlike faith (belief and trust) to enter into God's Kingdom.


Many think they are good and that they have done good works, therefore God will let them into Heaven on that basis.

"I am good." There are tons of people who for various reasons think that because of their right standing (reputation) in the community, by being a member of a church, rightfully justifying their actions before themselves with good deeds or works they have done "for God", that they are in good-standing with God. These people think they will be in Heaven one day. They may even think that God wouldn't dare do anything but accept them. WRONG! This is a wake up call folks! Just because you do good works or think you are the way you should be it is not enough. You might be saying "I did this..., I did that..., I prayed..., I talk with God..., and I have this understanding with God..., I will make God..., I have a certain degree from this Seminary, I was ordained by Pastor Billy, I was an Elder at ..., or I was a Deacon at ..., or I was a Bishop at ..., I cut the grass at church, or I helped widow Jenkins." Sorry, that will not get you into Heaven. (Titus 3:3-7)


Many think that by reading the scriptures they can obtain an entrance into Heaven.

The Holy scriptures of God are from the Spirit of God. God by His Holy Spirit breathed the scriptures into men who have penned the various books of the Bible for over thousands of years. Just picking up God's Word and reading the scriptures does not change your heart. That would be like trying to obtain entrance into Heaven through "intellectual ascent", which is also a type of "works" or trying to gain entrance into Heaven by "doing" something good (i.e., to achieve your way into Heaven). The Word of God clearly states that man's own righteousness is as dirty rags. (Isaiah 64:6) God's Word says in John 5:37-40, "And the Father Himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard His Voice at any time, nor seen His shape. And ye have not His Word abiding in you: for whom He hath sent Him ye believe not ye search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to Me, that ye might have life." (That "life" means Eternal Life in the Heavenly Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ.) One of the purposes of the scriptures is to testify of Him. The Word of God was designed to be received into your spirit, and that can only take place by the aid of God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit quickens (makes understood) what God is speaking to us in our mind. The process works like this: the Holy Spirit communicates to our spirit-man who in turn communicates to our mind (soul) the things of God. (God's revelation and understanding then comes forth.) "The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly." (Proverbs 20:27)


By my own merit or ability.

Our righteousness (right-ness before God) without Jesus Christ is as dirty rags. (Isaiah 64)

We need to see that our righteousness (rightness) is as dirty rags before God. The only Righteousness acceptable to God comes through Jesus Christ by means of His shed Blood. As the verses above in John 5:37-40, infers, we desperately need to go to Him; the One Who has Life and is Life. Do not let your personal problems with God and His Word hinder you in going to Him. We need to accept Him at His Word and know that He has our best interest at heart! In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1). God and His Word are inseparable! The Word is as much a part of Him as Jesus His Son and His Holy Spirit is. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. (John 1:14) Only through Jesus Christ and His Blood can we be deemed as right before God.

How to Move Past Any Stumbling Blocks,

KNOWING you can have Eternal Life!

It is written in God's Word to you and me in I John 5:13, that you can know you have (now) Eternal Life.

That means exactly what it says "you can know" or you can be sure that once you ask Jesus Christ into your heart, He is there and with you! This restored relationship only comes through Jesus Christ, our resurrected and living Savior. There is no other way back to the Father, but through His Son. Only through Jesus Christ can a man's life be redeemed. God tells us this in His Word and God is not a liar, unlike man. He does what He says. He is Who He says He is. (Hebrews 6:18) God is love. (1 John 4:16)

You can absolutely trust God! I have experienced that during 100% of my relationship with Him in these last 42 plus years and so have countless others who have experienced His Mercy, His Faithfulness, and Loving Kindness!

If you truly desire Him and seek Him, He will not turn you out! Wow! What a statement!!!

(1) There is no rejection or messing up! God is not looking for a chance or excuse to "whack" you. Get rid of that earthly thinking! When that type of thinking arises just know that it does not come from God.

(2) Don't worry about making a mistake. God looks at and knows your heart. He loves you dearly. So, don't argue with Him! Dear child, God loves you and through Jesus Christ He has made a clear-cut way to back to Him. There is no other path, way, or whatever you might call it, back to the Heavenly Father. (Hebrews 12:13)

There are no excuses for not coming to Him!

"For He saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured (helped) thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2)

How to ask Jesus Christ into your heart:

First, by an action of faith. We go to God, believing and trusting that He is all that He has said He is, and will do for us all He has said He will do through His Son, Jesus Christ.

Second, by acting upon that belief. ("a step of faith") In accordance with your faith, we believe and trust God, and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart. (He will just as He has promised!)

You can receive Jesus into your heart now by praying and trusting God at His Word. God knows the desire of your heart and is ready to come and live in you and through your spirit. He will not turn you away. This is the way to taste and see, and know (and continue to know) that the Lord is good!

I ask you to get in a place now, where you will not be disturbed, so you can get quiet in the privacy of your own mind with Him. How do you know He is there with you? He is omni-present, which is an attribute of God. He can be with someone in China and be with you here at the same moment in time. Trust me, I know what I am telling you. It's a God thing!

Be determined to block out all interferences, get still, quiet, and serious with God. Tell God you are serious about what you are about to pray. Will He hear you? Absolutely! He loves you, you are His creation. He has been waiting on you to come to Him and He is listening to you right now!

If you have already asked Jesus Christ into your heart:

Even if you have previously prayed a prayer asking Jesus Christ into your heart, asking Jesus into your heart again is not wrong before God. I encourage you to say the following prayer and say it with meaning in your heart (sincerely or in your best effort). This will only strengthen you in Him because it demonstrates your commitment to the Lord. (That is your faith and heart's determination!)

There are some basic reasons people think they are saved but are not :

They do not believe Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and is alive

today: spirit, soul, and body.

They have not confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior before man.

We can lead you through the prayer part but you will need to believe and confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord yourself! Then confess Him as your Savior and Lord before another person.

Please Pray with me Now Focusing your heart's desire to be His Kingdom child!

Heavenly Father, I come to You now, I acknowledge You as God, creator of Heaven and Earth.

Heavenly Father I confess that I am a sinner. I have sinned against You.

I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is Your Son and You sent Your Son to Earth, and that he was born of a virgin.

I believe that Jesus Christ is the One true sacrifice for my sins.

I believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, sins which have blinded me and separated me from You.

I believe, Heavenly Father, that You sent Jesus Christ to personally die for me.

I believe Jesus Christ, Your Son, took upon Himself all of my sins and the sins of all mankind.

I believe Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin for me that I may receive Eternal Life.

I believe Heavenly Father; You raised Jesus Christ from the dead and He is alive and well, seated at Your Right Hand in Heaven.

I now repent (turn) from my sins and choose to follow and obey Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I ask You Jesus Christ to be the Lord of my life and to lead me in all areas of my life. Jesus Christ I receive You as my Lord and Savior with all my heart and believe that You are my King and My God.

Lord Jesus Christ, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and use my life as a willing vessel. Heavenly Father, I ask that my life glorify You.

Thank You Heavenly Father for my salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and the Truth of Your Word,

In Jesus' Name, Amen (so be it)!

For those who just can't seem to say that prayer, try saying this prayer first: "Heavenly Father, I come to You and ask You in Jesus' Name to set me free from any wrong thoughts, fear, doubt, unbelief, believing any lies, any lies of the enemy, the devil, or demonic spirits, any thoughts that I have that are hindering me now in coming to You. I ask You, Father God, to deliver me now of all hindrances to becoming Your born-again Kingdom child, in Jesus Christ's Holy Name. I resist the devil and all his demonic spirits must flee and leave my presence. Lord God, remove the lies and the hindrances and help me so I can say the above prayer of salvation in earnest from my heart! I ask You to force out, drive out, and bind all evil things far away from me, in Jesus' Name. Amen."

Now, go back and choose to say the prayer before this last one, with all of your heart, soul and being!

If you prayed the prayer asking Jesus Christ into your heart as your Savior and Lord, and you meant it, then you need to realize that the Living God, Creator of Heaven and Earth now lives within you! That is awesome! God is awesome!!!

After saying the Salvation Prayer, thank God for what He has done for you!

Thank You Heavenly Father, God. I love You, and thank you Jesus, and thank you Holy Spirit. Thank You. Lord thank You for all that You have done for me by making me Your son/daughter through the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord Jesus for taking all of the sins, the guilt, the shame, and the weight of all burdens of those sins from my shoulders. Cause me Lord to live and move in Your ways, to hear and know You all the days of my life, and walk with You in Your Righteousness forevermore! Lord Jesus Christ, teach me what it means to abide (live) in You, and You in me, no matter what this world (fallen/corrupt life) or the devil throws at me. Your "Will" be done in and through my life as a light, so other people may come to You and know You! Continue to praise Him! Get some praise and worship CD's or music and celebrate Jesus!

Nail it Down

The next best thing you can do is to immediately talk to someone, or call someone, another believer in Christ, and tell them what you have just done! The Word of God tells us to tell others. This allows you to confess the Name of Jesus before man, and it also strengthens you in Him.

Write what you just did on a piece of paper, date it, sign it, put it in a special place, and go out and celebrate it!

Note: The devil will come either sooner or later and try to get you to believe you didn't become God's child or that this was not real to begin with. The devil will use anybody or anything to do this!

Not everybody is going to agree with or like what you just did, and there are reasons for that. Don't let that stop you! They need to hear it. It might be the very testimony they have waited for, or that God uses you to bring them into His Kingdom. However, if at first they don't agree, don't be discouraged. They have been living in darkness a long time. It is not up to you to change that. That is the work of the Holy Spirit!

You are a new creature in Christ, celebrate, rejoice and be glad. Then go forth and never deny Jesus as being Your Savior and Lord.

Assurance of Salvation

I am going to pray for you the reader, "Heavenly Father, I ask You in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, to continue to affirm this new believer in Christ with a strong sense of Your Presence in and upon their life. I ask You Lord to reveal to each of these who asked Jesus into their hearts, that their sins are as far from them as the East is from the West, gone, never to return to them again. I ask Lord that Your Holy Spirit speak to, minister, and guide each one of these people in a definite way, according to Your plan for their lives. Heavenly Father, I pray that You grant them a deep inner peace and resolve in their entire being, that they can know that they have entered an Everlasting Blood Covenant with You, a covenant where You said You would never, never, never, leave them nor forsake them. (Hebrews 13:5-6) Also Father, teach them to know they can depend on You. Lord, I ask that Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done in each of their lives. Heavenly Father, strengthen them, cause them to Hear and Know Your Voice, keep them from all harm and tricks of mankind, keep them from the Devil and his fallen angels, teach Your Kingdom children, and grow them in Your love, wisdom, power, and by the leading of Your Holy Spirit. Lord God, place within them strongly, the desire to become a praise and a glory unto You all the days of their lives. Lord, empower them to praise and glorify You, in Jesus Christ's Holy Name, I ask all of these things according to Your Will and Your Word in the Book of John, Chapter 14, verses 13 and 14), amen (so be it !)."

Now start getting acquainted with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, His Word, and His Ways.

(1) Read His Word (Start in the Book of John, one chapter a day). The Book of John is included in this book.

Pray: Lord Jesus, reveal to me what I am reading in Your Word.

(2) Pray (communicate with Him). Set aside a time for just you and Him! Talk to Him as you go through your day. He is interested even in the small things in your life!

(3) Have fellowship and communion with Him. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, strength, and obedience.

(4) Fellowship with other true believers. Father God has other children we can fellowship with. (Other brothers and sisters in Christ!)

(5) Study the Word to prove yourself and be approved unto the Lord, so you may walk in His precepts, principles, and ways as He reveals them to you. (1 Corinthians 2:13 and 1 John 2:27)

(6) Share Jesus and your new life (experiences) in Christ with others.

New Beginnings

You are now "born again" into the Kingdom of God, restored to Him. When this occurs, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, enters into you when you relinquish your spirit to God through the act of believing God, turning from your sinful nature, to trusting God, and then by an act of faith, asking Jesus Christ into your heart as Savior and Lord of your life. This allows God's Holy Spirit to come into you and place the seal of God's redemption upon your heart (inner man).

And last but not least the Word of God is clear in Mark 16:16, "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved ; but he that believeth not shall be damned." Baptism is the outward sign of the inward work of the heart, your heart. You will also need to find a Christian brother or sister in Christ who has been baptized, to baptize you.

"And baptism, which is a figure [of their deliverance], does now also save you [from inward questionings and fears], not by the removing of outward body filth [bathing], but by [providing you with] the answer of a good and clear conscience (inward cleanness and peace) before God [because you are demonstrating what you believe to be yours] through the resurrection of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 3:21 (*Amplified Bible)


Some people do feel something at this point and some people don't. Don't worry about that! If you meant it then don't question it! What you have to really come to terms with is that now you have Him "in" you! It is settled, a "done deal". You have been in this world a long time operating and being tuned to worldly ways of thinking, feeling, and doing. I call that "the flesh." Realize this, our walk with God is not about our thoughts - logic or rationalization, what we do for a living, and it is not about our feelings. Our walk now is to be focused in a faith-based realm wherein we have a "trust and obey" relationship with our Heavenly Father. It may take some time to get your thinking, feelings, and emotions turned around, or ordered by God's Ways, Word and Spirit, but they will come with God's help, as we diligently seek Him. Give yourself time! I have been there and I am still walking by faith. This is not a fast or speedy "microwave" process. Give yourself and God time. I know what I am talking about!

DO NOT WORRY! (Matthew 6:25-34)

(Worrying is a sin anyway.) I know what I have experienced in my walk with the Lord! You will want to get more of the Word in you, and spend more time in prayer with Him. You will want to spend more time with His children (other believers in Christ, your new family, your brothers and sisters in Christ). Your target or goal is to get to know Him and spend more time in His Presence. Allow Him to bring change in Your Life.

Just as the natural person needs natural food to grow; now you will want to feed your spirit-man spiritual food and drink to continue to grow. Feed before Him in prayer on the Book of John. Ask Him to reveal His Word and Himself to You! Ask Him questions and keep a journal, expectantly waiting for His answers. Even today I thirst and hunger for more of God. The Word of God says you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your being. God desires you to draw near to Him, and in doing so, He promises to draw near to you! In doing so you will continue to grow into the likeness of His dear Son, Jesus Christ. God will reveal Himself to you.

What If I Sin Again After Asking Jesus Into My Heart?

After becoming one of His dear children you will still make mistakes and get into sin. Hopefully you will not sin as often as time goes and you mature in Christ. Just in case you do then know that the Word of God in 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Once we confess our sins, they are gone, never to be remembered by God (Jeremiah 31:34). He will never bring up confessed sins, nor hold them against us. His mercy and grace is sufficient. We are not to deliberately sin. He will deal with you and deliver you from that. Ask the Lord to take all the guilt and shame, wrong memories, and urges away from you. He loves you!!! He will never, never, never, leave you nor forsake you! So, don't bring up past confessed sin that has been forgiven. All you are doing is beating yourself up. God has cast forgotten it. He might be saying to you, "What are you talking about?" If you have confessed your sin with true regret (a true repentant heart). He has already forgiven you, and He wants you to forgive yourself ! God doesn't want us focused on sins. He wants us to be Him (God) conscious.

"Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure , whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy — meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." Phil 4:8-9 NKJV

Now where is our focus suppose to be now Mr. , Miss, or Mrs. New Creature in Christ ? ! Not sin! Not demons!

On Him and His goodness. Yes!

It is Written

God's final authority on the matter is given to us through His Word in 1 John 5:13 as follows:

"These things have I written unto you that believe on the Name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have Eternal Life, and that ye may believe on the Name of the Son of God." See, there it is! You can know! Very plain and very straight forward. Now receive that Truth, and believe on the Name of the Son of God, and receive Him into Your heart.

After asking Jesus Christ into your heart, He now lives within you. You can now walk in total confidence knowing for sure that He is in you! Jesus said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all our soul, and with all your mind,' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39) We need to always continue to ABIDE in Jesus Christ by seeking Him through (1) prayer, (2) fellowship with other believers where God is the center of attention (we are the "church") this should include praise and worship, (3) time with Him in His Word (the Bible), (4) telling others about Him – what experiences we have had with Him (witnessing), (5) Praise and Worship of the Lord – a time when we exalt God from our heart! God desires an on going and growing relationship with us! This is the place, in Him, you are to "be" from now on, and not stray from! Jesus Christ is our resting place in God! Finally, continue to believe in, trust in, lean on, rely on, and cleave to the Lord Jesus Christ with all of your heart growing in Him. (Proverbs 3:5-7)

"When I passed by you again and looked upon you, indeed your time was the time of love; so I spread My wing over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I swore an oath to you and entered into a covenant with you, and you became Mine," says the Lord GOD . Ezek 16:8

Having Jesus Christ in your heart is the difference between having a Relationship with God which is Life and a religion which is not a relationship with God. It is the Holy Spirit within us that allows this close knit interaction with God, hearing Him, knowing Him (not just a knowing of Him) and maturing in Him. Religion is only a band aid, not Eternal Life. We desperately need a Relationship with God. This only comes through asking Jesus Christ into our hearts, then getting to KNOW Him! He is ready and willing to bring you in to an intimate relationship, and then a daily walk with Him. God wants to spend time and Eternity with you. You can know for sure He is always with you when you are awake or asleep, moment by moment!

Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6)

Now, that you are His child by asking Jesus Christ into you Heart

Now, that you have been born into God's Kingdom through asking Jesus Christ into your heart, you are His child. As a child of God you need to feed your spirit on God's spiritual Word!

We want to encourage you to read, meditate, and pray on the Gospel of John. The Lord says in His Word to us that if we will ASK, when seeking

Him, that He will give it to us. Here is the way I remember it : Each letter of ASK.

A Ask and it will be given to you.

S Seek and you shall find.

K Knock and it will be opened unto you.

This comes from the gospel of Matthew, chapter 7, verse 7

He also says that we have not because we ask not, so ask the Lord to teach you and give you understanding of what you are reading in His Word and to place His Word in your heart so that you will grow in Him!

We also encourage you to read from the books of Proverbs and Psalms.

Ask the Lord to reveal Himself and what He wants you to learn or possess in His Word to you daily. Don't ever quit reading the Word of God. Why? After He lays one foundation and area of Life into you then He desires to reveal more of Himself in the same or different areas of growth or maturity. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Let us always be humble, that is, seeing that we always need God, no matter how we think or feel. This attitude will never fail you. Continue always to A.S.K. God really loves it when we come to Him! ! !

He doesn't condemn us, go to Him humbly, do not be afraid, He knows our hearts and what is best for us!

- To our new brothers and sisters in Christ -

"The Lord Bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." Numbers 6: 24-26

The Lord bless you in your rising up, your laying down, your going out, your coming in, all that you put you hands to, to prosper for the Lord and His Kingdom, angels be about you to guard and protect you, and your's in your leisure, in your work, and as you go in life. Amen! (So be it!)


Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes;

Fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. Prov 3:5-8 NKJV

Speak to the Lord as you go through your day. From the time your eyes open, right on through till they shut at night.

Abide in Him and obey in these little things of the Lord all the days of your life!